Research Proposals



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1.1 Background to the study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Research Questions

1.6 Research Hypotheses

1.7  Scope of the study

1.8  Delimitation/Delimitation of the study

1.9  Definition of Terms




2.1  The Concepts and Types of Teaching Methods

2.2  The influence of direct and oral method of teaching on the development of visual discrimination

2.3  The influence of direct and oral methods of teaching on the development of auditory discrimination

2.4  The influence of direct and oral methods of teaching on the development of eye- hand coordination

2.5  Summary      




3.1  Area of the Study

3.2  Research Design

3.3  Population of the Study

3.4  Sample and Sampling Technique

3.5  Research Instrument

3.6  Validity of the Instrument

3.7  Administration of the Instruments

3.8  Data Analysis Technique




4.1  Presentation of Data

4.2  Data Analysis

4.3  Discussion of findings




5.1  Summary

5.2  Conclusion

5.3  Recommendations

5.4  Suggestions for further Reading






1.1 Background to the study

Research has established that English is one of the chief languages in the word. Pooley (2014) claims that more than two hundred and seventy million (270,000,000) people in the world speak English. However, Azikiwe (2017) puts it that English is the most dominate common language in Nigeria.


Moreover, Udoada and Adeniyi (2016) see it as the official language of Nigeria, being the language of Government, commerce mass media, politics and Education. They also see English as the language for social interaction among the multi-ethnic citizens of the country. Therefore, this makes the language a minifying factor or force in Nigeria.

Specifically, two good reasons have been attributed to the adoption of English (LZ), as the official language of Nigeria. The first reason is the absence of a lingua’ Franca.  Resulting from the multi-ethnicity and diverse cultures of the country. It has made inter-ethnic communication easy and so facilitates contact between peoples of diverse language backgrounds.


Furthermore, the colonialists taught the natives of Nigeria English language to serve as clench and interpreters in the offices for easy governance.

The importance of English language in the Nigeria society has given the language much prominence, not only in the school system but also in every sphere of life. Many homes have it as the most common medium of communication.


Moreover, the National Policy on Education (2013) puts English language as a core subject in the school curriculum. This being citified by being the medium of instruction in schools and for all the subjects taught at school. Even at the very foundation of our educational system, the primary school.


Despite the interaction of pre- primary education, Iviza (2018) still describes primary education as the foundation on which the education system is built.

Therefore, with the importance attached to literacy in Nigeria, the child at the primary school level is excited and desirous to learn how to read and write at school.


Falodom (2015) claims that children at this level of education are always eager to learn. Besides, one of the objectives’ of primary education is to educate literacy into the children. Reading therefore plays a very important role in the acquisition of literacy.

Its central position in the school system also lies in the fact reading skill are necessary in the teaching and learning of other school subjects. It cannot be over emphasized the need for effective reading among primary schools pupils. Which can only be achieved when the reading skills are developed. Therefore, this study is undertaken to examine the influence of teaching methods on the development of reading skills among primary school pupils.



1.2 Statement of the problem

In brief, the concern by parents and stakeholders in education about the fallen standard of education lies primarily on the inability of school leavers to read and write. However, this is always attributed to the poor foundation laid at the primary school level.


Moreover, it is no exaggeration that teachers at the primary school level mishandle the teaching and learning of English Reading. They do not only use ineffective methods of teaching Reading but also consider not the development of reading skills. Thus, the attention that the grossly ignored thereby resulting in not meeting the standard.

Furthermore, reading, as a Physical and mental activity, needs motivation which teaching methods should provide. Thus, the teaching and learning of Reading becomes dry and uninteresting. In addition, added to this problem is the inadequate reading materials and lack of functional libraries in the public and private primary schools in the area.


1.3 Purpose of the study

Generally, this study was primarily to investigate the influence of teaching method on the development of reading skills among primary school pupils.

Specifically, the study sought to achieve the following objectives.

  1. To examine the influence of Direct and Oral method of teaching on the development of visual and reading discrimination skills among primary pupils.
  2. To assess the influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching on the development of auditory discrimination among primary school pupils.
  3. To determine the influence of direct and oral methods of teaching on the development of eye hand coordination among primary schools pupils.


1.4     Significance of the study

It is hoped that this study would be of great benefit to both English Language teachers and other classroom teachers who teach reading in primary schools. Thus, they would come to the realization that teaching methods need to be carefully selected in the teaching and learning process.

Educational administrators and planners as well as school proprietors and proprietress would awakened to provide adequate reading materials and libraries in the schools. Lastly, it is expected the study would provide the inspiration for other students or researchers who may be interested in carrying out further research on the topic or reelected ones.


1.5     Research Questions

The following research questions guided the formulation of research hypotheses:

  1. What is the influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching reading on the development of visual discrimination among primary schools pupils?
  2. How does a Direct and Oral method of teaching learning influence the development of auditory discrimination among primary pupils?
  3. Of what significant is the influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching learning of the development of hand-eye coordination among primary schools pupils?


1.6     Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

  1. There is no significant influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching reading on the development of visual discrimination among primary school pupils.
  2. There is no significant influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching reading on the development of auditory discrimination among primary school pupils.
  3. There is no significant influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching reading on the development of hand-eye coordination among primary school pupils.


1.7  Scope of the study

The main concern of the study was to investigate the significant of teaching methods of the development reading skills among primary schools pupils.


It examined the influence two selected method of teaching Reading namely Direct and Oral Method on the development of three selected skills-visual discrimination, auditory discrimination and hand-eye coordination.


1.8  Definition of Terms

The under listed terms are herein defined in the content they used in the study:-

  1. Teaching Method: In brief, the way or procedure applied by the teacher to impart knowledge skill or attitude in the pupils.
  2. Reading Skill: In brief, a particular ability acquired to be able to read effectively.
  3. Visual Discrimination: The ability to recognize and differential individual letter or words during reading.
  4. Auditory Discrimination: The ability to recognize and differentiate sound of letters and words during reading.



Based on the findings in this study the following conclusion was arrived at:

  1. There is a significant influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching reading on the development of visual discrimination among primary school pupils.
  2. There is a significant influence of Direct and Oral methods of teaching Reading on the development of auditory discrimination among primary school pupils.
  3. There is a significant influence of Direct and Oral Methods of teaching reading on the development among primary school pupils.



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Joselyn Nya

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