Research Proposals



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Title Page





Table of Contents



1.1  Background of the Study

1.2  Statement of the Problem

1.3  Purpose of the study

1.5  Significance of the study


1.6  Research Questions

1.7  Research Hypotheses

1.8  Limitation of the Study

1.9  Delimitation of the study

1.10 Operational Definition of Terms





3.1  Research Design

3.2  Area of the Study

3.3  Population of the study

3.4  Sample and Sampling Procedure


3.5  Instrumentation

3.6  Validation of Instrument

3.7  Administration of Questionnaire

3.8  Scoring of Instrument

3.9  Method of Data Analysis




4.1  Summary of Findings


4.2  Discussion of Findings




5.1  Introduction

5.2  Summary

5.3. Conclusion

5.4  Recommendation






1.1   Background to the Study

The success or failure of any educational system depends mainly on the teacher. It was on this note that Lawton (2022) pointed out that well planned curriculum is not a guarantee that learning takes place. For effective teaching/learning to take place, it is also necessary to have teachers who are competent for effective curriculum implementation.

Teachers are the hub of the educational system in the world and Nigeria in particular. The key to the attainment of the educational goal has been entrusted to the teacher.


Teachers have been known to have an important in-pact on the teaching of nay educational subject. This is because the teacher is ultimately responsible for translating educational policies and principles into actions based on practice during interaction with the students (Afia, 2014).

Teacher’s variables in this study refer to those characteristics possessed by a teacher which will help him/her to implement the educational curriculum effectively (Telu, 2013). Some example of these variables includes, qualification of the teachers years of experience, gender, attitude, interest, competencies, knowledge of the subject matter, method of his/her teaching, teacher personality, and the teacher appearance.

Ugbe (2014) pointed out that no adequate teaching can take place without effective and competent teachers to handle the teaching. The availability of qualified teacher determines the extent of teaching which also influence the academic achievement of students.



Andy (2023) indicated that teachers’ attitudes contributed significantly to students’ attention in the classroom. Thus, this means that the attitude of the students toward any subject can be influenced by the teacher’s attitude. On the issue of teacher’s years of experience, it is a well known fact that experience is the best teacher. This is an indication that a teacher with many years of teaching experience has been exposed to so many things like students’ individual differences in the teaching profession.


Furthermore, according to Anselmus (2011), teachers’ competencies refer to the right way of conveying units of knowledge, application and skills to students. Specifically, these rights includes knowledge of content, process, methods, ability to utilized instructional resources, means of conveying content, and communication techniques. Moreover, teachers’ knowledge of the subject matter can be measured in terms of their intellectual competence, in-depth knowledge about the concept, attitude to teaching, degree of creativity, and competent in lesson delivery (Aston, 2011).

Usman (2012) observed the existent of non-professional mathematics teachers in our public secondary schools across the state. In his findings, he found out that most of the teachers who handled mathematics in the secondary schools system are not professional. He also observed that most of the mathematics teachers in the public secondary schools are graduate in other fields of study but due to non-availability of professional mathematics teachers, they become the acting mathematics teachers.


Another variable of a teacher is the extent of his/her exposure to in-service training programme. According to Etieno (2014), this in-service training programme refer to the case where teachers who are already in the service go on training or course programme in order to update or acquire the intellectual and professional skills that are necessary for them to discharge their duties more efficiently.

In addition, it could also be seen as staff development which is through seminars workshop or conferences. Thus, this help in offering a classroom teacher the most promising ways for improving instructional skills. It is also assist the teachers to improve on their teaching strategies, technique, handle new instructional materials or posses the necessary information and skills that are required for effective lesson delivery. Teachers variables and the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools.

However, Mathematics being an important subject which is demanded in every area of life and in all other science subject must be handled with seriousness. Therefore, this is the reason that this research study was investigating teachers variables and the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.


1.2   Statement of the Problem  

Mathematics is an important subject which is compulsory to all the students in the secondary school level. The poor achievement of students in this important subject has been attribute to so many factors which includes; student’s attitude, school factors, teaching methods, teachers’ variables etc. based on this problems, the researcher considered it necessary to investigate teachers variables and the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.


1.3   Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study was to examine teachers variables and the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area

Specifically, the study aimed at examining;

(1)    The influence of teacher’s professional qualification on the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.

(2)    The influence of teachers’ years of experience on the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local government Area.


1.4   Research questions  

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study;

(1)    To what extent does teacher’s professional qualification influence the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area?

(2)    To what extent does teacher’s year of experience influence the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area?


1.5   Significance of the sturdy 

The findings of this study will be significant to the teachers, students and educational state holders in the following ways:

  • Firstly, the teachers will be exposed to those factors that influence their teaching effectiveness and device a plan to overcome those factors.
  • The students will also benefit from the findings of this study in that, when the teachers possess the necessary variables, the students will have interest in the learning of mathematics.
  • Thirdly, the educational stake-holders will be aware of those teachers’ variables that influence the teaching of mathematics. Therefore during the process of recruitment, they will know those to recruit.
  • Also, Government will see the need of providing in-services training to teachers.
  • Lastly, implementation of educational curriculum will be simple in the side of the teachers.


1.6  Limitation of the Study 

(1)    Financial constraint: Due to the high cost of transportation in visiting area, the researcher only samples some of the schools for the study.

(2)    Time Constraint: As at the time of carrying out this study, the researcher had other school activities to carry out. Thus, the period of time given for the study was not enough. This caused the researcher to missed some of his lectures. Teachers variables and the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools.

(3)    School Location: Most of the schools visited by the researcher were located in the rural area, so due to bad road network, it was a great challenge to the researcher but he managed to over-come.


Operational Definition of Terms    

Teachers Variables: These are those characteristics possessed by the teachers which can influence their teaching effectiveness. e.g qualification, experience etc.

Teaching: This is the act of transferring knowledge from one person (teacher) to another (students).

Mathematics: In brief, this is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes which is one of the compulsory subjects offered by students in secondary schools.           



Based on the findings of the study it was concluded that:

(i)     Teachers’ professional qualification significantly influenced the teaching of mathematics positively.

(ii)    Teachers’ years of experience is directly proportional to their teaching effectiveness. That is, as their years of experience increases, their teaching effectiveness also increases.



Based on the findings of the study it was concluded that:

(i)     Teachers’ professional qualification significantly influenced the teaching of mathematics positively.

(ii)    Teachers’ years of experience is directly proportional to their teaching effectiveness. That is, as their years of experience increases, their teaching effectiveness also increases.


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Joselyn Nya

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