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1.1     Background to the study

1.2     Statement of the problem

1.3     Purpose of the study

1.4     Significance of the study

1.5     Research Hypotheses

1.6     Delimitation of the study

1.7     Definition of term


CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature


Research Method

3.1     Area of the study

3.2     Research design

3.3     Population of the study

3.4     Sample  and sampling technique

3.5     Research instrument

3.6     Validation of the instrument

3.7     Reliability of the instrument

3.8     Administration of the instrument

3.9     Scoring of the instrument

3.10.  Method of data analysis


CHAPTER FOUR: Data Analysis, Presentation and Discussion of Finding

4.1     Data Presentation

4.2     Discussion of the findings

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1     Summary

5.2     Recommendations

5.3     Conclusion





The undersigned certify that the project entitled methods of teaching and integrated science performance among students in secondary school in Etinan Local Government Area was carried out by me under my supervision of.

Dr. Nsibiet Ekanem


Dr. Esther Andrews     

(Head of Department)



The study was designed to investigate the methods of teaching and integrated science performance among students in secondary schools. A survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample size consisted of 200 JSS2 students in four intact classes from 4 selected secondary schools in the study Area. Integrated science Achievement Test (ISAT) with 20-items multiple choice items constructed by the researcher was administered on the respondents at the end of term.

Data collected were analyzed using independent t-test statistical techniques. Findings show that there is a significant difference in the performance of integrated students. Between those expose field trip method of teaching and those expose to discussion. Also there is a significant difference in the performance of integrated science students between those taught using demonstration method and those taught using lecture method. It was recommended among others that integrated science teachers/instructors should minimize the theoretical way of teaching and replace it with more practical activities.




1.1   Background to the Study

In brief, Integrated science formally known as Integrate science is the first form of science a child comes across at the secondary school level for core subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography and Biology) at the senior secondary school level. Therefore, this implies that for students to be able to study science subjects at the senior secondary school level successfully. Such students has to be well grounded in Integrated Science at Junior secondary school level. In view of this, Integrated Science is given great emphasis in Junior Secondary School Curriculum.


It provides opportunities for students to use measuring instruments such as thermometers, voltmeters, ammeters and observational aids. Such as a simple microscope, and it also make students acquainted with science process skills. Such as measuring, observing, experimenting, inferring, predicting, classifying, communicating, and recording of data.


In addition, many factors have hindered the successive implementation of the core curriculum in Integrated Science. Thus, these factors according to Chukwuneke and Chikwenze (2012) include teachers’ method of teaching, learning environment. Also, student’s view of the 2subject, availability of instructional aids, among others these hindrances had led to the poor academic achievement of students in school. Also, Abudullahi (2017) and Ogeba (2017) were of the views. That methods employed by science teachers for teaching science in schools are unsuitable. They pointed out that most teachers of science put more emphasis on theoretical aspect. Rather than practical aspect even when science had long shifted from talking to doing.


Teaching methods here refers to the various teaching strategies and approaches adopted by a teacher in the cause of delivering a lesson. According to Idigo (2016), teaching methods are standard procedures use in the presentation of instructional materials and the concept of activities. Ogbozer (2014) posited that teaching methods refer to the various approaches a teacher uses when presenting the lesson content or instruction to the learners.


Moreover, there are several teaching methods that can be used in science teaching. Thus, some of these methods include demonstration method, lecture method, project method, problem-solving method, discovery method, lecture method, laboratory method among others.


Mundi (2016) described it as a display or exhibitions usually done by the teacher while the students watch with keen interest. The author further added that, it involves showing how something works or the steps involved in the process. Some of the advantages of this method as outlined by Olaitan (2014) and Mundi (2012) include: It saves time and facilitate material economy.


The method is an attention inducer and a powerful motivator in lesson delivery. Students receive feedback immediately through their own products. It gives a real-life situation of course of study as students acquire skills in real-life situations using tools and materials. Lastly, it help to motivate students when carried out by skilled teachers and it is good in showing the appropriate ways of doing things.


Certainly, lecture method is a common strategy teachers employ in the teaching of Integrated science. It is also referred to as talk and chalk or textbook method (Gbamaja, 2011). In the course of employing the method, the teacher dominates the teaching with very little participation on the part of the students.


Therefore, having critically examined these two methods of teaching, the question now is what the effect of demonstration method of teaching and students’ academic performance in integrated science? In order to provide answer to the above question, the researcher is to investigate teaching methods (demonstration and lecture) and academic performance of students in Integrated Science in secondary schools in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area?


1.2   Statement of the problem

Without a doubt, education sector in Nigeria has series of challenges. However, the important area of Integrated Science challenge is inability to select appropriate method of teaching by teachers in schools. Moreover, improving quality in education requires adequate competent teachers, appropriate facilities, materials and methods which are lacking; these form part of the problems in the study.

Thus, one of the major challenges for the of educational system is the teachers’ knowledge of selecting appropriate method of teaching for teaching Integrated science at all levels, which also affect the quality delivery of educational institutions, teacher’s training and production.

The inability to select appropriate instructional method in junior secondary schools is a problem to students learning, they do not learn at the same space. Therefore, this study will be to determine the effect of methods of teaching (demonstration and lecture methods) on students’ performance in Integrated Science in secondary schools in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area.


1.3   Purpose of the Study


The study is to investigate the effect of methods of teaching on academic performance of students in Integrated Science in secondary schools in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area. Specifically, the study sought to:


Compare the academic performance in Integrated science among students taught using demonstration method of teaching and those taught using lecture demonstration method of teaching in secondary schools in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area;

Investigate whether there is any significant difference in male and female students’ academic performance when taught using demonstration method of teaching.

Investigate whether there is any significant difference in male and female students’ academic performance when taught using lecture method of teaching.



Based on the result of findings obtained, it could be concluded that demonstration method of teaching have a     significant positive effect on students’ academic performance in biology in secondary schools. It was revealed that lecture method of teaching is not an effective teaching method because it makes students to be passive listeners and does not create room for students participation in the lesson.

It was concluded that students taught with   demonstration method of teaching performed academically better than those taught using lecture method.


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Joselyn Nya

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