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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of conflict between the head teacher and the teacher on academic achievement of primary school pupils. Three research hypotheses guided the study. The research design adopted for this study is the descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was comprised of all the head teachers, teachers and pupils in all the public primary schools estimated to be three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine (3,999).

The sample of the study was the representative of four public primary schools in the study area. Through simple random sampling techniques 399 respondents comprising of head teachers, teachers and pupils were selected. The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument for the collection of data. All the variables were computed and were analyzed through mean scores, standard deviation and linear regression. The findings of the study reveal that conflict between the head teacher and teacher significantly affects academic achievement of pupils in primary schools.




1.1   Background of the Study

Conflicts in school environment weakens team work and adversely affects harmony, unity and the smooth running of the institutions. It further destructs the goals of the team and leads them to poor performance, demoralization, truancy and much more unprofessional conducts. Conflicts are regular occurrence in the work place, the school setting inclusive.

By definition, it is the simultaneous operation of unagreeable ideas. Oboegbulem (2015) states that conflict is a disagreement or argument between two persons or more. The existence of conflict in any organisation or educational institution does not mean administrative failure.

The history of conflict draws back to creation times for instance the disagreement between Adam’s Son Cain and Abel that resulted to murder.


Therefore, conflict in organizations has an inherent function of the leader. In recent times, conflict emerges as a natural phenomenon in human norms to a certain extent. (Ahmed, 2015).


Organizational outcome and effectiveness depends of on the manner used to handle conflict. Effect leaders in organizations have been known to manage conflict rather than eradicating it as an efficacy function (Boucher, 2013).

According to (Fabunmi & Alimba, 2014) conflict is a struggle over values and claims to scarce status, power and resources in which the aims of the opponents are to neutralize, injure or eliminate the rivals. This definition reveals that the causes of conflict are struggle over values, status, power and resources. It equally indicates that conflict is a competition or opposition.


Fadipe (2000) sees conflict as a form of disagreement in an establishment between two individuals or groups who have cause to interact formally or informally. Similarly, Miller and King (2005), see it as basically a disagreement over compatible goals.

Conflict therefore is a process of incompatible behaviors. It may involve the interference or disruption by one person or group of persons, or in some way or ways which make another action less likely to be effective.


According to Deutsch (1973), conflict inevitably means that people are working against each other. In such a manner that what one wants is incompatible with that which another wants. It could bring about competition in the pursuit of goals. What the competitor gets comes at the expense of others or the job. It is therefore counter-productive, disruptive, unnatural, and produces a deviation from the free flow of events.

However, conflicts arise due to different opinion, and they may result in poor working relationship among staff members (Saleh, 2012). In addition, conflicts are among organizational attributes and are unavoidable in any organization. Conflicts can enhance performance of the organization but if not well managed, they can affect the achievements of the organization (Kondalkar, 2007). Also, conflict is a necessary and useful part of organizational life. It is inevitable and an integral part of the process of change.


Indeed, it is an aid to cooperation, not an obstacle. There are two sides to conflict, one is destructive and unhealthy and the other has a problem-solving base. Where those involved are willing to sublimate personality differences, to listen to others’ views and to be open and candid to each other. To be supportive and helpful whereas the former defeats cooperation.

The triggers of conflicts among head teacher and teachers are numerous. They can vary from basic problems such as lateness, dislike from other colleagues, and gossip to more complicated issues such as complex inferiority, role incompatibility or dominance or styles of leadership within the organization.



In addition, provided that schools belongs to the service industry and teachers are encouraged to attain performance levels. Thus, in order to better satisfy the expectation and interests of the society as well as the community (Saiti, 2015), and that a learner autonomy characterizes the teaching profession since preparation. Because growth and advancement are dependent on competence. And collaboration development in the educational setting is so limited. Therefore, it is logical to predict that conflicts will arise more frequently inside schools.


Intriguingly, the primary schools head teachers in Ihiala are much more essential for the delivery of educational services in some way.

Conflict needs to be looked at significantly and all defensive actions must be taken to increase the school environment and enable head teacher, teachers and pupils live and work together in harmony.

For conflict resolution, a variety of management solutions are offered. These include: effective communication and avoidance, compromising, climate of trust, control of rewards collaboration, formal authority, coercion, confrontation, accommodation and reconciliation (Saiti, 2014).

This study therefore sought to investigate the effects of conflict between the head teacher and the teacher on academic achievement of primary school pupils.



 1.2           Statement of the Problem

Schools are learning environments which need peace and silent atmosphere as intended ideals. Conflicts are inevitable hence cannot miss where people are and coexist. Disagreements occur between head teachers and teachers over disciplinary measures. Such as any forms of punishments that ensure discipline in the school. Conflict has continued to be an elusive matter in our schools, organizations and the society in general.


Failure to resolve conflicts affects performance of duty by teachers and may in most cases result to poor working relationships among the various players in the school.

The conflict involves head teachers, teachers, and pupils. Wherever conflicts occur in schools, the officer held accountable and responsible is the head teacher. With all these conflicts in school, it has emanated into strikes, demonstrations, lock outs, destructions. Also, burning of properties such as laboratories, classes, libraries, instructional materials, poor communication and personal differences among others. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the effects of conflict between the head teacher and the teacher on academic achievement of primary school pupils.


1.3    Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of conflict between the head teacher and the teacher on academic achievement of primary school pupils. Specific objectives of the study were;


  1. To explore different kinds of conflict face by head teacher and teachers in primary schools.
  2. To investigate how head teacher and teachers intrapersonal conflict affects academic achievement of primary school pupils.
  3. To investigate how head teacher and teachers interpersonal conflict affects academic achievement of primary school pupils.


1.4   Research Questions

  1. What are the different kinds of conflict face by head teacher and teachers in primary schools?
  2. How does head teacher and teachers intrapersonal conflict affects academic achievement of primary school pupils?
  3. To what extent does head teacher and teachers interpersonal conflict affects academic achievement of primary school pupils?


1.4   Research Hypotheses

  1. There is no significant effect of conflict face by head teacher and teachers in primary schools.
  2. There is no significant effect of head teacher-teachers intrapersonal conflict on academic achievement of primary school pupils.
  3. There is no significant effect of head teacher and teachers interpersonal conflict on academic achievement of primary school pupils.


1.5   Significance of the Study

The study may be significant for different stakeholders including head teachers, teachers, administrators, planning commission and future researchers.

Findings of this study will help head teachers and other school administrators who include the deputy head teachers and the senior teachers to critically understand influence of the strategies they employ on containing conflicts in public primary schools.


The findings of this study considerably aided in closing the information gap on school management techniques for managing conflicts in public primary schools.

The findings of this study will be of help to policy makers in understanding head teachers’ and other school management’s capability on containing conflicts in public primary schools.

Finally, the study contributed knowledge on existing literature related to conflicts in school contexts.


1.6   Limitations of the Study

  1. Some of the challenges encountered while conducting the research include lack of sufficient funds and short duration assigned for the study.
  2. Some heads of the schools did not allow me to conduct questionnaire in their school easily. Resultantly wasted my time and prevented me from the targeted numbers of schools for research.


1.7   Definition of Terms

Conflict: In brief, this is a great effort between group of people, organizations, or institutions. Conflict engaged opposing forces, pulling in dissimilar directions.

Academic achievement: In brief, this is the outcome of education — the degree to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational aims.

Public Primary Schools: In brief, primary schools that are owned and supported by the Government.


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Joselyn Nya

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