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1.1  Background to the study

In the old African society, education was regarded as a means to an end on itself. Education was generally for an immediate induction into the society and a preparation for adult-hood, it emphasized social responsibility, job orientation, political participation, spiritual and moral values.

Thus, education was seen by the society as an investment to make itself a better place to live in. In Nigeria, western education was introduced into the society by emergence of European Missionaries in the 10th century. They did not intend to create an avenue for formal education but discovered that they could not properly propagate their religion without educating people they come in contact with (Ventista and Brown, 2023).

However, the establishment of schools where membership conversions where provided. The church undertook the business of education because it found out that it could do its own work properly without giving adherents, and especially it clergy, as much of the formal learning as was needed for the study of the sacred writings  and for the performance of their religious duties.

According to Ventista and Brown (2023) one of the main issues that emerged from the study of the impact of the various curriculum development effect of the last decade is the recognition that the teacher is the key factors in determining the quality of education in schools.



As with many educational issues, Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) education ranks high in the mind of science educators in Nigeria. On the other hand, the implementation of STM curriculum objective in this country depends on strong arms of science and science related teachers who can successfully interpret the curricular objectives (Ventista and Brown, 2023).

While Professional Development (PD) of employees is vital for the survival of an organisation, employees’ learning is also important for the employees’ themselves. Training and development increase overall longevity of employment, since the employees can secure alternative employment if their current job is no longer needed (Bloisi, 2007; Sivalingam & Mansori, 2020).

PD is positively associated with employees’ intentions to remain in their current organisations (George, 2015; Steil 2020). This is of particular importance when it comes to education. Thus, where the shortage of teachers is acknowledged as a significant issue in many countries worldwide (Gorard, 2021).


Teachers’ stress is one of the factors affecting teachers’ decision to leave the profession (Cooper Gibson Research, 2018). However, PD opportunities and being part of a professional learning community (PLC) may be able to help teachers improve their well-being and deal with classroom management and stress (Prilleltensky, 2016). The effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance.

It is through an effective arm of Integrated Science and mathematics teachers that students are endowed with the science culture, ability to reason logically and coherently, skills of problems, solving, attitudes to retrain and suspend judgments and have empathy for science and science related issues.


Ultimately, all these qualities began in the classroom and at the centre of all is the teacher, who is the key to these qualities. In this regards, Adesina (2017) observed that teachers must accepts some responsibility for the health of the society. As the quality of education in the century is being improved, the standard of the science teachers professional should equally be raised.

Indeed, the teacher factors of the implementation of STM curricular objectives are not more urgent with the introduction of the 6-3-3-4 system of education and now that the Nigerian teachers are becoming increasingly apprehensive of their employment and educational values in the system. The school being a social system, the quality of teachers is a significant factors. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

In recent years, the National policy on education focused on teachers’ preparation and professional development on academic performance of Integrated science teaching to facilitate National development, but in spite of the government commitment to improve the standard of instruction and level of scientific knowledge among students little has been achieved towards it aim as an instrument per excellence for effective National and Technological Development.

It is therefore the intention of this study to trace the odds militating against the achievement of the purpose of this programme with reference to National objectives, as some odds in this study include teaching qualifications, years of experiences and attitude of a teacher as sub-teaching on effective of teacher preparation and professional development on academic performance of integrated science students. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance.


1.3       Purpose of the study

The study is aimed at examining the effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance and to suggest appropriate policy measure to make Integrated Science teacher preparation effective in science teaching.


1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated for the study:

  1. Does teachers’ qualification influence academic performance of students in Integrated Science?
  2. Does teachers’ years of experience influence academic performance of students in Integrated Science?
  3. Does teachers’ subject specialization influence academic performance of students in Integrated Science?


1.5       Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

  1. There is no significant difference between teachers’ qualification and academic performance of students in Integrated Science.
  2. There is no significant difference between teachers’ years of experience academic performance of students in Integrated Science.
  3. There is no significant difference between teachers’ subject specialization academic performance of students in Integrated Science?



Based on the findings discussed in the proceeding chapter, the researcher made the following conclusion; secondary school teachers or practicing teachers in the secondary school especially in Science subjects should be encourage and allow to undergo in-service training education as this will help to eliminate deficiencies in the preparation and to encourage continuous professional development growth of teachers by keeping them abreast with recent advances in the theory and practice of Science. The effect of teachers preparation and professional development on students academic performance.

Each stage of expansion in the Education and training of teachers makes it necessary to emphasized the danger of sacrificing quality on the altar of quality in the race against them. The increasing responsibility thrust upon the teacher and the importance of his place in the community make it imperative that there should be on the part of those who train the Nigeria teachers, a fresh re-orientation of the concept content, method and organization of teacher training.


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Joselyn Nya

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