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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of sexual relationship on academic performance of students in college of education in Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of the study, four research questions were posed. Literatures relevant to the study were reviewed.

The study utilized the survey research design. The instrument used for data collection was researcher-designed questionnaire. Data was collected from 144 respondents. Frequency percentage was used to answer research questions. Findings that emanated from the study are: Sexual relationships exist among boys and girls of secondary schools. However, students do not practice bestalism, lesbianism, homosexuals or oral sex.




1.1 Background to the Study

An sexual relationship, activity, or situation is one that people do not approve of. Sexual behavior is behavior namely, hugging, kissing, masturbation, petting, intercourse, lip kissing, deep kissing, genital stimulator, oral sex, anal sex and sexual intercourse (Rizal and Dewi 2021).

Biblically, it was categorically stated that marriage is honourable in all, and keep the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge (Hebrews 13:4)


According to Momah (2007), the result of promiscuity and premarital sex, being veneral diseases and illegitimate births increasing among young people at an unprecedented rate. The teenagers who are more sexually active than anyone else generally do not realize how easy it is to become pregnant .The ultimate solutions recommended by Planned Parenthood is abortion with good surgical procedure where contraceptive fails. People’s minds have been conditioned to accept the idea that unborn baby is something less than human.

The global Christian Missionary Publications (2008) stated that there is no joy in premarital sex; it only brings misery and regrets. The men who will pressurize the girls for sex will be the Same ones to hate them (the girls) passionately later on. The Girls that give into a boy’s (or man’s) demands for sex only cheapens the girl before the boy or man.


A girl that can keep herself and resist every sexual advance from her fiancé will be highly honoured by her groom on their wedding night.

In times past, the virginity of the female at her marriage called for a family celebration with appropriate gifts and visits from the in-laws. In some cultures, especially among the Yorubas, where “hawking” (street vending) and “night marketing” is common. Young girls are learning to receive “passes” from men and acquire skills in dealing with these. Since the introduction of Western values and education in Nigeria. Also, women have continued to acquire skills in dealing with males in a culture in transition.

Thus, this has led to an increased tendency to delay marriage and an increased incidence of sexual sexual relationships. In some tribal cultures, in fact, it is more common today to demand pregnancy rather than virginity as a prerequisite for marriage. This is especially true among the educated young.

Also, most of the popular music and advertisements glamorize sexuality, even though there is still a strong disapproval of open discussion of sexuality.

Hausa culture today is predominantly Islamic, making it difficult to distinguish tribal Hausa cultural norms from Islamic injunctions.

Although Hausa culture has remnants of non-Islamic and distinctly indigenous practices that are part of their rites of passage, a marriage of convenience has evolved between Islamic injunctions and aspects of Hausa cultural norms that do not conflict with the religion. Islam is a way of life for its adherents, with rules and regulations guiding all aspects of life.

Its strong moral code emphasizes chastity, and prohibits loitering, soliciting, and unnecessary intermingling of the sexes. Islam permits women to go out of their houses only to pursue lawful needs such as the acquisition of knowledge or to work and contribute to societal development. Marriage before age 18 was the norm among Muslim Hausa girls before the colonial era and the introduction of secular education. Most parents in those days preferred to marry off their daughters at age 12.



However, because of the culture of silence on sexuality, there has been little or no structured way of teaching Nigerians about sexuality.  The government has been working to get POP/FLE (population and family life education) into the schools’ curricula, and this effort is ongoing. Adolescents continue to be denied access to sexual information and services on a national scale.

There have been some efforts by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to assure that marginalized groups have access to sexuality education. This effort is increasing as data from studies continue to show that five out of ten girls and seven out of ten boys have had sexual intercourse at least once by the time they leave secondary school. Therefore, this research work aimed at pointing out the effect of sexual relationship on academic performance of students of college of education in Nigeria.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

There appears to be a consensus among Nigerian researchers and observers that many traditional values are changing rapidly and for the worse (Naswen, 2001; Ezeh, 2001; Arumala, 2005 and Eruesegbefe, 2005). One area of life in which the decline of traditional values is obvious is in the area of sexuality. One major change has been the acceptance of pre-marital sex in a loving relationship.

The researcher discovered that sometimes the students’ performances are on the negative as a result of sexual relationships either among the students or with those outside the school. And these have gone a long way to hamper the educational development of the Nigerian youths in general and Kuje and its environs in particular.


1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sexual relationship on academic performance of students in college of education in Nigeria. Specifically, the study aimed:

  1. to identify the kinds of sexual relationship among students of college of education.
  2. to examine the causes of sexual relationship among students of college of education.
  3. to examine the influence of sexual relationship on the educational development and performance of the students.
  4. to identify the possible means of curbing this menace among students of college of education so as to enhance and improve their academic development and performance in school.


1.4 Research Questions

  1. What kinds of sexual relationship exist among students of college of education?
  2. What are the causes of sexual relationship among the students?
  3. How much have sexual relationship influence the educational development and performances of our students?
  4. What are the possible ways of overcoming sexual sexual relationship?


1.5   Significance of the Study

The result of this research work will be useful to the government. Because it will make the government to discover the consequences of sexual relationship on the educational development of the youths and the role it needs to play to curb this menace in our society.

The youths themselves will benefit from this research work as it will enable them to identify the problems associated with sexual relationship with particular reference to their educational development.

It will also benefit parents, because it will point out the areas through which the parents have been influencing sexual sexual relationships among students of college of education and the quota they need to contribute to resolving the problem.

The teachers will also gain from this research work as they are the tutors of the Nigerian youths. It will also show their own roles in curbing sexual relationship among students of college of education they are teaching through guidance and counselling services.


1.6 Operational Definition of Terms

Absenteeism: Is regular absence from work or school without a good reason.

Consequence: Is the relation between a result and its cause or something that follows as a result.

Effects: This could be the result of something probably after testing and evaluating them, then the result yielded or -outcome.

Existence: The state of being real, actual or current rather than imagined, invented or obsolete.


Environment: All the, people etc that influence the way in which people lives or works.

Immoral: Contrary to accepted moral principles.

Marriage: A state of union between a man and a woman, which has brought them together to live as husband and wife for procreation.


Pandemic: it is a disease that spread nationwide or worldwide at a particular.

Performance: This is a notable action or achievement, which has to do with the strength or ability of something.

Prostitution: The ability to have sexual intercourse for money.

Pre-marital Sex: This is an act of indulging in sex between unmarried persons.

Sex: it is a sexual intercourse.

Joselyn Nya

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