
Educational Policies and Academic Performance of Public Secondary School Students

Educational Policies and Academic Performance of Public Secondary School Students

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1.1  Background Of The Study

Since independence, the Government has addressed challenges facing the education sector through Commissions, Committees and Taskforces. The first commission, after independence was the 1969 national Curriculum Conference which was attended by a cross-section of Nigerians. The conference was a culmination of expressions of general dissatisfaction with the existing educational system which had become irrelevant to national needs, aspirations and goals. There were lot of ills and shortcomings in Nigeria educational system as it was based on the British educational system which did not pave way for yearning needs, interests and aspirations of Nigerian society.

The 1969 Curriculum Conference however had a prime purpose of improving the quality of Nigerian education (Adeyemi B. A. et al, 2012).

A functional education system should produce students with ability to create solutions. To have cognitive, attitudinal and emotional orientation. Thus, that dispose them to generate answers, solutions and innovations to questions, problems and not passive consumers of what other people have generated. Functional education according to (Ayeni, 2012) is the efficient management, monitoring, evaluation. And reviews of the resource inputs and transformation process (teaching and learning). To produce quality outputs (students) that meet set standards and expectations of the society.


It is the prerogative of schools to offer unique services in different areas such as academics, discipline, and regularity in attendance. Commitment of teachers, enabling environment for learning, supervision, instructional materials, curriculum coverage/delivery. Malpractice-free examinations, moral, career counseling, community relations, aestheticism. Sports, cultural activities and Information Communication Technology (ICT).

All these are being prescribed in educational policy framework which according to Coburn and Stein (2006) are intentionally. Formulated to bring about changes in teaching and/or learning by influencing the practices of members of one or more target groups. (e.g., teachers, coaches, principals, etc.) Examples of such policies are the National Policy of Education, Educational curriculum etc. Which clearly specify the conduct of teachers to organize their instructions around tasks of high cognitive demand, and principals to become instructional leaders by observing instruction and giving teachers feedback.


Educational Policies and Academic Performance of Public Secondary School Students

However, educational policies are initiatives mostly by governments that determine the direction of an educational system (Okoroma 2000). In addition, according to Osokoya (2006) Education is a distinctive way in which the society inducts its young ones into full membership.

The research for the determination of academic performance on social science has taken many directions, has consumed much time and effort and continues to generate public concern. The result of this research had indicated that academic performance is the outcome of relations of various level of analysis.

Hence, the issue of poor academic performance of students in Government in Nigerian schools. Has been of much concern to the educational agencies, parents, teachers and even student themselves. The quality of education not only depends on the teachers. As reflected in the performance of their duties, but also in the system of principles that guide educational decisions to achieve rational outcomes.


Previous studies have investigated the relationship of poor policy implementation, teaching methods, school environment. Including problems with student-teacher ratio, school location, school population, classroom ventilation. Poor lighting in classrooms, and inconsistent temperatures in the classroom with student health problems. Sudent behavior, and student academic performance.  (Crandell & Smaldino, 2000; Davis, 2001; Johnson, 2001; Lyons, 2001; Moore, 2002; Stricherz, 2000; Tanner, 2000). There is therefore need to investigate on Educational policies and academic performance of public Secondary school students in Government in Ikono Local Government Area.


1.2    Statement of the Problem

The need for Educational policies came about as a result of the 1969 national Curriculum Conference. Which was attended by a cross-section of Nigerians. The conference was a culmination of expressions of general dissatisfaction with the existing educational system. Which had become irrelevant to national needs, aspirations and goals.

Though Nigeria had witnessed a series of educational system since its birth in 1914, immediately after independence in Nigeria. There was a lot of ills and shortcomings in Nigeria educational system as it was based on the British educational system. Which did not pave way for yearning needs, interests and aspirations of Nigerian society. This called for the 1969 Curriculum Conference.


That focused on Nigerian children in Nigerian society with National Policies on Education. In 1977, 1981, 1998 and 2004 respectively (FRN, 1977; 1981; 1998; 2004). All with the prime purpose of improving the quality of Nigerian education (Adeyemi B. A. et al, 2012).

Moreover, the utmost importance attached to education in Nigeria was clearly underscored in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004). However, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in this policy, adopted education as an instrument “par excellence” for effecting national development. It is therefore imperative to examine the important of educational policies and academic performance of public Secondary school students in Government in Ikono Local Government.


1.3   Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Educational policies and academic performance of public Secondary school students in Government.

The specific purpose includes:

  1. To determine the influence of National Policy on Education and academic performance of public Secondary school students in Government.
  2. To determine the influence of Government curriculum on academic performance of public Secondary school students.


1.4    Research Questions

  1. To what extent does the National Policy on Education influence student’s academic performance in Government?
  2. To what extent does the curriculum contents influence student’s academic performance in Government?


1.5    Research Hypotheses

  1. There is no significance relationship between National Policy of Education and student’s academic performance in Government.
  2. There is no significance relationship between curriculum contents and student’s academic performance in Government.



1.6    Significance of the Study

This study will be for the benefit of different classes of people including researchers, teachers and head of schools. Ministry of education, curriculum planners, government, students, educators and the general public as follows:

  • The educational policy makers, curriculum planners and developers will find the findings of the study useful since it would make them become aware of the effect of educational policies. They would know where to place more emphasis when reviewing Government curriculum.
  • In addition, the ministry of education and Secondary School Education Board (SSEB) would be aware on the fact that a good policy framework will enhance student’s productivity.
  • This study would also be significant to students and future researchers that may investigate on related variables.
  • Also, it will enable the government and educational planners to identify and find solution to problems of low academic performance of students in Government.


1.7    Scope of the Study

This research work focuses on Educational policies and academic performance of public Secondary school students in Government in Ikono Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.


1.8    Limitation of the Study

Like any other study, this study encountered considerable problems. Some of these include:

  1. Uncooperative Attitudes of the Respondent: The researcher could not get some necessary information from the respondents because of their negative attitude in their response to the questionnaire with the teachers in some public secondary schools in Ikono Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State
  2. Time Constraints: Despite the time provided, it was not still enough for the researcher to go round all public secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.
  3. Financial Constraints: Financial constraints is also another factor that limited the researcher to go round the schools. The researcher lacked finance for transportation, electronic library etc. which hinders the speedy progress of the research work.


1.9  Definition of Key Terms

Educational Policies: This refers to a deliberate system of principles to guide educational decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure or protocol.

Secondary School: this is an educational institution providing primary and secondary education prior to tertiary education. Thus, it is an institution dedicated to teaching and learning.

Students:   A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college, any person who studies, investigate, or examine thoughtfully.

Academic Performance: The outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals.

Curriculum: A plan and guided learning experiences and intended learning outcomes formulated through a systematic reconstruction of knowledge for learner’s socio-personal competence.

Joselyn Nya

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