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1.1       Background to the Study

In brief, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional procedure whereby a computer is utilized to exhibit the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place and the students receive feedback from the computer and maintain some degree of control (Oyenuga, 2018). Some of the computer assisted instruction methods include simulation, animation, drill and practice.

Tutorial provides generally new information to the students in much the same manner as a human teacher or tutor might. According to Mevarech (2019) Computer drill and practice are based on the principles of programmed learning or instruction.


Instructional activities are presented either in linear or branching method which uses hyperlink for videos and, graphs. Computer tutorial gives immediate feedback, create proficiency in computer usage, and gives students a sense of control over learning, calls for using sight, hearing and touch (Bialo and Silvin, 2019).

Drill and practice are interactive and help students remember the concepts they have been taught previously (Rabia, 2014). In addition, the use of computer drills and practice for instruction brings with it several benefits as a teaching/learning medium. These include self-paced learning, self-directed learning, the exercising of various senses and the ability to represent content in a variety of media.


With self-paced learning, learners can move as slowly or as quickly as they like through a program. According to Cotton, (2018), computer drills and practice allow students to progress at their own speed of learning as they offer learners controlled instructions, provide prompt feedback, allow for adaptability of instructions (presentations mode and instructional content mode) using authoring systems, provides lessons with more than one purpose, random access facilities, and provides facilities for revisions and updating.

With self-directed learning, learners can decide what they want to learn and in what order. Various studies (Entwistle, 2019) have shown that when learners learn in a way that suits them, improvements in the effectiveness of the learning process normally occur. Humans are multi-sensory animals. The more senses through which we receive information, the easier it is to remember.

According to Fletcher (2019), people remember 20% of what they hear, 40% of what they see and hear and 75% of what they see, hear and do.

The fact that the computer can exercise various senses and present information in a variety of media can enhance the learning science. Which Physics is one of the sciences.


Hence, it is essential that physics teachers use teaching method. Which ensures students’ active involvement in learning and provide suitable learning environment. To improve achievement and stimulate interest of students in Physics.

Physics is a natural science based on experiments, measurements and mathematical analysis with the purpose of finding quantitative physical laws for everything from the nanoworld of the microcosmos to the planets, solar systems and galaxies that occupy the macrocosmos (Moodly, 2018).


Physics is from the Greek word physikos which is concerned with all aspects of nature on both the macroscopic and submicroscopic levels. Its scope of study encompasses not only the behaviour of objects under the action of given forces. But also the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields. Its ultimate objective is the formulation of a few comprehensive principles that bring together and explain all such disparate phenomena.

The ultimate aim of physics is to find a unified set of laws governing matter, motion, and energy at small (microscopic) subatomic distances, at the human (macroscopic) scale of everyday life, and out to the largest distances (e.g., those on the extra-galactic scale). This ambitious goal has been realised to a notable extent. Although a completely unified theory of physical phenomena has not yet been achieved (and possibly never will be), a remarkably small set of fundamental physical laws appears able to account for all known phenomena.


The body of physics developed up to about the turn of the 20th century. Known as classical physics, can largely account for the motions of macroscopic objects. That move slowly with respect to the speed of light and for such phenomena as heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, and light. The modern developments of relativity and quantum mechanics modify these laws. Insofar as they apply to higher speeds, very massive objects, and to the tiny elementary constituents of matter, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons (Cho, 2012).

In recent times, physics and natural philosophy were used interchangeably for the science whose aim is the discovery and formulation of the fundamental laws of nature.


As the modern sciences developed and became increasingly specialized, physics came to denote that part of physical science not included in astronomy, chemistry, geology, and engineering. Physics plays an important role in all the natural sciences. However, and all such fields have branches in which physical laws and measurements receive special emphasis. Bearing such names as astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics, and even psycho-physics.

However, a law is always subject to modification, replacement, or restriction to a more limited domain, if a later experiment deems it necessary.

Also, the society’s reliance on technology represents the importance of physics in daily life. Many aspects of modern society would not have been possible without the important scientific discoveries made in the past. These discoveries became the foundation on which current technologies were developed.



However, several studies have been conducted on Computer drills and practice in many subjects. These studies indicated very different results. Some of the studies found no significant difference between Computer drills and practice and conventional teaching methods on students’ academic performance in science subjects (Nurettin, Şimşek, Özlem and Çakır, 2019; Cetin, 2017).


Some other researchers found Computer drills and practice more effective in improving students’ academic achievement than the use of conventional teaching methods (Liao, 2017; Bryan, 2016; Yenice, 2019).

There has been a continuous call towards gender response to learning of science (physics inclusive) by stakeholders. This is because it appears that there is still a considerable bias against female students which impedes their participation and achievement. Olowe (2010) emphasized on the importance of examining instructional strategy in relation to gender is based primarily on the socio-economic differences between boys and girls.


The influence of gender in learning of physics has been of great concern to science educators for a long time, yet no consistent result has emerged. Some researchers are of the opinion that male students perform academically better and develop positive attitude towards physics subjects than their female counterparts.


For instance, Oluyemi (2013) and Wiwat (2013) stated that both male and female students develop positive attitude towards learning of concepts and as such found on significant effect on academic performance.

Additionally, Onasanya, Daramola and Asuquo, (2016), which examined effect of gender on achievement of students taught Physics with Computer drills and practice. Have shown that there was no significant difference in the mean achievement of male and female students.

The obvious implication of these findings showed that the use of Computer drills and practice in teaching is not significant in all subjects for students’ academic performance. This then formed the background to the present study on the impact of computer drill and practice on senior secondary students academic achievement in physics.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

Personal observation from the teaching practice has shown that memorization of facts has replaced experimentation in some of Nigerian schools. Making the actualization of the objectives of teaching physics to remain a hope of many decades to come. This then triggered the researcher to ask could the use of computer drills and practice instructional strategies influence the academic achievement of students in physics?

The need of providing answer to the question therefore motivated the researcher to investigate the impact of computer drill and practice on senior secondary students academic achievement in physics.


1.3       Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of computer drill and practice on senior secondary students academic achievement in physics. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. determine the difference in the mean achievement score of students taught physics using computer drills and practice and conventional strategies;
  2. determine the difference in the mean achievement score between male and female students taught physics using computer drills and practice strategy.


1.4       Research Questions

  1. What is the difference in the mean achievement score of students taught physics using computer drills and practice and conventional strategies?
  2. What is the difference in the mean achievement score between male and female students taught physics using computer drills and practice strategy?


1.5       Hypotheses

  1. There is no significant difference in the mean achievement score of students taught physics using computer drills and practice and conventional strategies.
  2. There is no significant difference in the mean achievement score between male and female students taught physics using computer drills and practice strategy.


1.6       Significance of the Study

The findings of this study would be of assistance to; teachers, students, ministry of education, curriculum developers and future researchers.

Teachers: teachers will benefit from the result of this study in that they will use the instrument to evaluate the students, rather than the teacher-made test. The academic achievement scores of students taught physics with computer drills and practice and those taught.


Using the conventional teaching methods would enlighten physics teachers on the effectiveness of computer practice and drill. Physic teachers’ work will become easier and interesting as they will be playing supervisory roles. This will bring great improvement in physics teachers’ morale.


Students: The findings of this study if found to have positive effect and implemented will also be of benefit to students’ participation and interest in the class room activities. There will be improvement in students’ achievements and interest through the use of Computer drill and practice command to achieve active engagement, frequent interaction, and connection to real world of work. This in turn will enable students to pass their examinations in physics.

Ministry of Education: the ministry of education will benefit from the findings of this study. Effectiveness of Computer practice and Drill will no doubt influence the  decision of the Ministry of Education on the need to provide computers and  laboratories in senior secondary schools if found to have positive effect. Furthermore, findings will also sensitize the Ministry to organize conferences, workshops and seminars to train physics teachers on the use of Computer Tutorial and Drill to improve their instructional delivery.

Curriculum Developers: the significance of this study is particularly in the area of curriculum development. The result will be of immense benefit to the physics curriculum development experts. They will find it valuable especially in the provision of empirical evidence on the effectiveness of computer practice and drill in the teaching of physics.

The information obtained, will hopefully influence future trend in physics curriculum review. The findings of this study will provide curriculum planners with the information which could lead to the recommendation of Computer practice and Drill in teaching physics in senior secondary schools.

Lastly, this study will also serve as source of literature to schools and educational researchers.


1.7    Scope of the Study

This research work focuses on the relative effectiveness of computer drill and practice on senior secondary students’ academic achievement in Physics in Uyo Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State. This research work covers all public secondary school in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.


1.8    Limitation of the Study

The factors that limited the study are as follows:

  • financial constraints;
  • lack of readiness of the students to partake in the experimental process; and
  • time factors and some bad road in the rural areas


1.9    Definition of Terms

Drill:  is a classroom technique used to practise new language. It involves the teacher modelling a word or a sentence and the learners repeating it.

Practice: is the act of rehearsing a behaviour over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it.

 Conventional Method: This is the lecture method of teaching Physics.



In conclusion, the findings of the study showed that computer drill and practice is a method of teaching. Whereby the teacher involves in modelling a word or a sentence and the learners repeating the act of rehearsing a behaviour over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it.

It also  showed that computer drill and practice influences the students’ academic performance in teaching students. From the studies reviewed on gender. There is no consensus as to whether gender influence achievement in sciences or not, since there are variations in the research findings on the effects of gender or achievement.


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Ikemesit Akpan is my name. I am a Nigerian author. I work with I'm a researcher and a writer of academic research.

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