Research Proposals



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This work set out to investigate problems of teaching English language as a second language in Nigeria, through a case study of selected secondary schools in Ukanafun Local Government Area. Objectively, the study investigated the effect of mother tongue interference the quality of teachers, students, attitude towards learning and the impact of availability and utilization of instructional resources on the teaching of English as a second language.

Teachers from selected schools in the study formed the population for this study. Sampling was by simple random sampling technique. For the study, a survey research design was adopted for the study. Data analysis was done using simple percentage method because it could easily be understood at a glance and computation has a high accuracy rate.




1.1    Background to the Study

English languages are used generally for our national businesses and international affairs. Therefore the importance of English languages in our educational hemisphere cannot be over emphasized.

Further, English languages are recognized as a core subject who remains compulsory for every, student at the secondary level of Education (National policy on Education, 2014). Unfortunately, inspite of the huge benefit of using English languages for our everyday activities. This subject remains widely or highly dreaded by many students in Nigeria. And the failure rate at the senior secondary school certificate examination level and other external examinations is often high.


Hence, many candidates who aspire for higher education in the university, polytechnic and colleges of education cannot meet up their expectation for further study.

Many researchers all over the world are of the view that knowledge and skills in communication with English languages has a significant influence on the performance of students in other subjects.


However the acquisition of excellent skills of communication with English languages. Thus, tends to suffer some interference from the mother tongue of the learner. English therefore is a second language and has to be learnt as such before it can be effectively used for communication and other transactions.

Researchers like Eka (2015), Zusouvlay (2013) hold the view that students learn better when, appropriate method of teaching English languages is adopted. Also, that students also learn better when appropriate methods of teaching English language is adopted. Also, that students also learn better when appropriate  instructional resources used  in the teaching-leaning process.


Eka (2015), therefore upholds that the issue of qualitative Education in Nigeria falls into three distinctive categories in one way. It is the teacher, in the other way it is the student, and then the government. Garaliauskiene (2019), further highlighted that mother-tongue creates a significant influence or impact on the teaching and learning of English as a second language.

Based on this background information therefore, this study intends to find out whether the quality of teachers, attitude of students toward learning such as a study habits, time management and other none  cognitive factors could significantly impact on students learning of the subject.



The study will also examine the extent to which availability and utilization of facilities in secondary schools in Ukanafun affect teaching and learning of English as a second language. As well as how the influence of the mother tongue interference could influence students achievement in English languages, with a view to proffering solutions based on research findings on the issue.


1.2    Statement of the Problem

Unfortunately, the researcher observed over the years that many students performed poorly in English language especially in public examinations such as unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and since as a matter of educational policy in Nigeria, credit pass in English language is a critical requirement for admission into higher institution in Nigeria these category of candidates usually do not succeed in securing admission into higher institution to read any course.


Mass media reports in Nigeria also indicate that English have been increasing number of failure in English language among secondary school students and UTME candidates over the years which has given rise to row enrollment of students particularly in English language based professions such as law, communication arts, theatre arts ecetera. Improvement in students’ achievement in English Language would therefore represent an asset in this regard.

This study will therefore find out whether the quality of teachers who teach the subject or the attitude of students towards learning English language.  Also, if availability of these resources do have an impact in the teaching of English as a second language, while also assessing the influence of mother  tongue interference in the teaching  learning process of English language in the study Area.


1.3    Purpose of the study

General purpose of the study is to investigate into problems of teaching English Language as a second Language in Nigeria using a case study of Ukanafun Local Government Area

Specifically the study will;

  • Finding out the impact of mother tongue interference on the teaching of English as a second Language
  • Examine the impact of teacher’s quality on the teaching of English as a second language
  • Examine attitude of students towards the learning of English as a second Language
  • Assess the impact of availability and utilization of instructional resources on the teaching of English as a second Language


1.4    Significance of the study

Findings obtained from the study will,

  • Serve as a reference manual to future researchers on the topic.
  • Serve as a guide to teachers on factors relating to mother tongue interference to the teaching of English as a second language
  • Enlighten students on the issue of mother tongue interference in the study of English language.
  • Also help government, school proprietors and related agencies when making policy statements concerning supply of infrastructural facilities to secondary schools in the area.


1.5    Research Questions

In the course of conducting the study it was imperative to raise the following research questions to guide the study.

(i)     How does mother tongue interference impact on the teaching of English as a second language?

(ii)    To what extent does the quality of teachers impact on teaching of English as a second language?

(iii)    How does students’ attitudes towards learning impact on teaching of English as a second language?

(iv) What impact does availability and utilization of instructional resources have on the teaching of English as a second language?



1.9    Operational Definition of Terms

(i)    Academic Performance: This terms often used in educational institutions to describe the evaluation of student’s ability in a particular subject or assessment of students’ activities in the entire school.

(ii)   Lingua Franca: This refers to a general acceptable language commonly used for communication in everyday life in a particular society.



This study was carried out in selected schools in Ukanafun Local Government to ascertain the problems of teaching English language as a second language in Nigeria. Areas investigated included the effect of mother tongue interference, quality of teachers, student attitude towards learning and use of instructional resources. There was high level of acceptance that mother tongue interfers negatively with the teaching of English as a second language .student attitudes towards learning also contributed. Because the study shared that although there was high level of commitment to learning and use English language, students use of educational materials such as textbook showed a decline and this could have a negative impact on the teaching process.

Teacher quality, teacher education (professional English teachers), long years of service and classroom approaches to English where seen to impact positively on the teaching of English as a second language .English as a subject cannot be taught without the use of appropriate teaching resource such as the right kind of curriculum textbooks, audio and visual teaching aid etc.


The outcome of the study showed mother tongue interference and use of vernacular for classroom communication, inadequate human resource (English Teachers).

Deficiency in use of English by students for self expression, and inability of students to utilize the instructional resources at their disposal for learning of English were some of the problems discovered to affect the teaching of English as a second language in the study area.


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Ikemesit Akpan is my name. I am a Nigerian author. I work with I'm a researcher and a writer of academic research.

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