Research Proposals



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The undersigned certify that the research work entitled: “Local Resources Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools was carried out in the Department of Mathematics  in Akwa Ibom State College of Education, Afaha Nsit.

Dr.(Mrs.) Imo R. Udosen   ……………………………     ……………………………

 (Project Supervisor)                    Signature                    Date

 Dr.(Mrs.) Esther Andrews   ……………………………       …..…………………….

   (Dean, School of Science)           Signature                      Date

Mr. Sylvester D. Udoh         ……………………………    ….…………………………

(Internal Examiner)                      Signature                      Date



The study was conducted to establish the relationship between local resources availability and utilization in the teaching of Mathematics in secondary schools. A survey research design was used. All the Mathematics teachers from SS1-SS3 in public secondary schools in the study area formed the population of the study. From this, 48 teachers were selected from all the secondary schools to form the sample size using a purposive sampling technique. Three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. These were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

A questionnaire called “Local Resources Availability and Utilization and Teaching of Mathematics Questionnaire” (LORAUTMQ) was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Method (PPMC).


Results from the analysis revealed that availability and utilization of local resources as well as improvisation of local resources has significant relationship with the teaching of Mathematics. Based on findings, the researcher recommended among others that mathematics teachers should always make use of the available resources in their immediate environment for effective teaching and learning of mathematics.




1.1    Background to the Study

Science education seeks to permit an individual to develop to the fullest his capacity for adjustment and continuous change in order to meet the problems his day and solve them when need arise. Mathematics, it is the building block for everything is our daily lives. These includes mobile devices, architecture, engineering and even sports (Elaine, 2013).

However, school environment has been described as an organization where resources are produced, managed, and organized is such a way that enable student to acquire desirable learning competences. Thus, the process of managing and organizing resources is called resources utilization. The utilization of available material brings about motivating them (Okeke, 2007).


Furthermore, in the study of science, Jean (2008) reported that the use of standard or local resources in teaching enables students to stay on track and remain motivated throughout the period.

Indeed, our environment is blessed with variety of natural resources for the teaching and learning of science. These natural resources must be harnessed and utilized by mathematics teachers. Therefore, this will enable students to observe, manipulate and acquire scientific skills. This is why Ogunniyi (2010) believes that first hand experience in observing life around us is very vital.


The implication is that the utilization of the local resources as instructional materials for teaching mathematics will no doubt enhance mathematics teaching and learning in schools. The author also believes in the utilization of available local resources for improvisation of mathematics equipment. The use of naturally available local resources during practical as well as field trip to natural resources area will facilitate mathematics teaching and learning.


Currningham and Saigo (2013) define natural resources as goods and services supplied by the environment. This is why Farrant (2012) defines instructional aids as anything a teacher does or uses to make his teaching effective. For instance the use of unripe orange to teach a whole number could enhance academic performance is student, being a real life object.

The importance of the sense of sight, touch and hearing in understanding and comprehending scientific facts can not be over. The collection and the utilization of available local resources concretize scientific concepts and principles.



Emphasizing on the importance of the use of these local resources to facilitate teaching, Eli (2007) explained that the use of Pythagorean theorem could help to demonstrate the process of Pythagoras rule in mathematics which state that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle is equal to the sum of the square on the other two sides (Bogomolny, 2006).


Moreover, the use of other natural resources like counting sticks, beads, and stones could be use to teach students the method of local materials for counting process. Also, Abacus could be use to demonstrate the adding and subtracting when teaching arithmetic method (Bone, 2008).

The collection of these local materials like counters, stones, counting sticks, etc by both materials students would enhance effective mathematics teaching and learning (Bone, 2008). This study therefore seeks to examine local resources availability and its utilization in the teaching.


1.2    Statement of the Problem

Inspite of the desire technological development couple with the fact that Mathematics is a very subject for development, its teaching and learning as well as students’ performance have become a source of concern to all stakeholders.


Shortage of qualified mathematics teachers and lack of using the available local resources have been identified as constraint against the advancement of mathematics both in teaching and learning process.

However, to meet up with the challenges of human capacity development in the area of mathematics, it is pertinent to utilize available local resources in the teaching of mathematics.

Due to the inability of the proper utilization of local resources used by the teacher to teach in the schools.

Therefore, due to the poor performance of students in school, this study seeks to investigate on local resources availability and its utilization and their influence on the teaching of Mathematics..


1.3    Purpose of the Study

The main objective of this study is to examine the local resources availability and its utilization in the teaching of mathematics..

Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Examine the availability of local resources in the teaching of mathematics.
  2. Examine the relevance of local resources and its utilization in the teaching of mathematics.
  3. Examine improvisation of local resources and the teaching of mathematics.


1.4    Significance of the Study

                   The study will be significant:

  1. To the educators and the shareholders in realizing that local resources utilization can lead academic excellence as a means   of instructional delivery.
  2. To other researchers as it would serves as a reference material in similar researchers in other local government area.
  3. Mathematics teachers, in educating them on the use of local resources in teaching.



1.5    Research Questions

                   This study will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions.

  1. To what extent is relationship between availability of local resources and the teaching of mathematics ?
  2. To what extent is relationship between local resources utilization and the teaching of mathematics?
  3. To what extent is relationship between improvisation of local resources and the teaching of mathematics?


1.6    Research Hypotheses

  1. There is no significant relationship between the availability of local resources and the teaching of mathematics.
  2. There is no significant relationship between local resources utilization and the teaching of mathematics.
  3. There is no significant relationship between improvisation of local resources and the teaching of mathematics.


1.7    Definition of Terms

Local Resources: There are instructional materials which are produced locally for the purpose of teaching and learning.

Availability: In brief, there are those things which are obtaining and ready to be used.

Utilization: In brief, to make use of something for a particular purpose.


Improvisation: In brief, this is a process whereby the needed instructional materials to be used in teaching is not available and is made or improvised by the teacher and used for his/her teaching.

Mathematics: It’s one of the important science subject taught in secondary schools and above. Thus, it deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement.

Secondary Schools: It’s the second place after primary schools to continue or further your education.



Based on finding, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. There is a significant relationship between availability of local resource and the teaching of mathematics.
  2. There is a significant relationship between local resource utilization and the teaching of mathematics.
  3. There is a significant relationship between improvisation of local resources and the teaching of mathematics.


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Joselyn Nya

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