Research Proposals



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1.1  Background to the Study

Through the act of writing, radical and rational African creative writers. for many years, since the 1950s have taken the chance to condemn the follies and the vices in their societies.

In Nigeria, great writers have frown at and fought against corruption, bad rulership. Also, doctorial policies, women oppression, moral decadence. In addition, societal disturbances such as religious intolerant, with a view to making positive changes. Thus, which might upgrade or accelerate human and material development  in the nation and the world at large.

However, the primary objective of these committed African writers is the genuine struggle for cultural and socio-political revolution using literary activities as a platform.


The relevance of satire is to ridicule the ills of an individual or institution with the aim of correcting and transforming the society. It helps to mould individual’s character and it also exposes the point of weakness of a particular society. Social satire is prominent in Wole Soyinka’s  Trials of Brother of Jero and The Road, where he satirizes the vices pose by religious leader to the society (these vices are limited to Christian religion).

Vices are forms of evil, wicked and criminal actions or behaviours in the society. They are social problems and have been thought of as social situations that a large number of observers feel are inappropriate and need remedying. Vices are those acts and conditions that violate societal norms and values.

Using what was presumed as the universal criteria “normality sociologists commonly assumed that social “pathology” was the consequence of bad people. Social problems resulted from the actions maladjusted people who were abnormal because of education or incomplete socialization. These ‘social pathologist’ assumed that the basic norms of society are universally held. In this absolutist vices, social problems are behaviours or social arrangements that disturb the moral order (Eitzen, 1980:126).

Nigerian society is a highly dynamic one. The dynamism gives rise to new issue of public interest. It also generates new problems and pose daunting challenges for which the society and it people cannot over looks. If there is any issue that is most pressing in the minds of people as far as religion is concerned today, it is that pertaining to the quality or standard of religion practiced in their society.



The standard and quality of religion (especially Christianity) have been marred and thwarted by the so called religious leaders (though not all). This decadence is what Soyinka satirizes in his dramatic works used in this study.

Indeed, leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character which inspires confidence. In the religious realm, John R, Mott defines a leader as one who knows the road. Who can keep ahead, and who pulls others after him (P346). P T. chandapilla, an Indian students’ leader, defines religious leadership as:

A vocation where there is a perfect blending of qualities that are both human and spiritual, or a harmonized working of God and man, given over to the ministry and blessing of other people (p  122).


From the political angle, President Truman’s definition was, ‘a leader s a person who has the ability to get others to do what they don’t want to do, and like it’ (J. O. Sanders, and p.22).

Who a thorough scuttling into the definitions of leadership above. It is generally viewed and accepted that the life style of a leader can affect the society either positively or negatively. Depending on how he carries the people along. Through this observation, this research will take the chance to address the issue of vices of religious leaders as portrayed in Wole Soyinka’s Trial of Brother Jero and The Road  to bring about effective change in our contemporary society.


1.2     Statement of the Problem  

It has been observed that the society id facing series of ill which emanates  from the decadent of morality. Morality is a principles concerning right and along or good and bad behavior, it is a system of moral principles followed by a particular group of people in a given society. Therefore, this study is to address the life style of religious leaders and how they affect the society.


Since literature is not just an act of entertainment and education. But also a means of ridiculing the society, this study is to examine the rate at which literature is a ‘watch man’ to the society as portrayed by Wole Soyinka.

Therefore, from the view point of Wole Soyinka’s play, this study is to investigate the vices of brother Jero and the reactions of those he shepherd.

Moreover, this study, also is to investigate the religious vices in the conflict of professor and the bishop in the road and how the floor members reacted.


1.3     Purpose of the Study    

i         To find out the level at which the society is negatively affected by the practices of religious leaders.

ii        To examine the influence of religious leaders’ on the society.


iii       To showcase the relevance of satire as a means of correcting societal ills.

iv       To investigate the place of literature in human society.

v        To investigate the vices of Jero portrayed by Whole Soyinka in Trial of Brother Jero.

vi       To examine the nature of vices and how they mar the society’s


1.4     Research Questions

i         What negative life style do religious leader pose to the people around themes

ii        How does Wole Soyinka satirizes religious leaders and their vices in Trial of Brother Jero and the Road?

iii       To what extent do religious leaders influence the society?

iv       How does literature helps in the reformation of human society?


1.5     Research Methodology

In this study, the fact in discourse will be looked upon through the sociological approaches which views of religious leaders in Wole Soyinka’s The Trail of Brother Jero and the Road.

Also, textbooks, journals and internet shall be consulted for data collection. The tools used by Soyinka to satirize in his works used in this study will be examine.

This study is divided into five parts. The first part-chapter one deals with the introduction, it includes also, the statement of problem, purpose of study and other part of chapter one. Chapter two is the review of related literature. Furthermore, chapter three will be on the analysis of Wole Soyinka’s Trial of Brother Jero and Road and other things that follow. Also, chapter four deals with the analysis of Trial Road. While chapter five is the conclusion and a belief summary of this study.


1.6     Significance of the Study

This work is not mainly for the purpose of reading alone but for the purpose of solving the everyday emerging societal problems.

Also, this study is meant to add useful literacy contributing to the existing body of knowledge in this field and to serve as useful consultation in this field of study for further searcher.


1.7     Scope and Limitation

The information in this research centres around the topic ‘vices of religious leader.’  The data is limited to the texts Trial of Brother Jero and The Road written by Wole Soyinka as a primary source of data. Also, information from textbooks, journals and internet will serve as the secondary source of data.



Soyinka’s hatred for unaccepted ways of life is manifested in his attack on religious leaders. This attack is carried out through his literary works. The Trials of Brother Jero and The Road.

In these plays, he portrays the negative side of corrupted nature with the use of satire. With this, one cannot deny the fact that with a proper use of satire, the society would be a better place for living without  the existence of ills and menace.



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What are the conflicts in trials of Brother Jero?

The trials of brother jero character analysis.

Literary devices in the trials of brother jero.

What are character traits in trials of Brother Jero?

What is the use of irony in The Trials of Brother Jero?


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Joselyn Nya

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