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The Impact of Adult Education as an Agent for Social Change in Nigeria

The Impact of Adult Education as an Agent for Social Change in Nigeria

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Title Page





Table of Contents


1.1          Background to the study

1.2          Statement of the Problem

1.3          Purpose of the Study

1.4          Significance of the Study

1.5          Research Questions

1.6          Research Hypotheses

1.7          Delimitation of the Study

1.8          Limitation of the Study

1.9          Operational Definition of Terms



2.1    Concept of Adult Education

2.2    Status of Adult Education in Nigeria

2.3    Problems Militating Against the Effectiveness of Adult Education

2.4    Adult Education; Its Role in Social Change

2.5    Benefits of Adult Education


3.1          Area for the study

3.2          Research Design

3.3    Population for the study

3.4          Sampling and Sampling Technique

3.5          Instrumentation

3.6          Validation of Instrument

3.7          Administration of Instrument

3.8          Method of Data Analysis


4.1          Presentation of the Results

4.2          Discussion of Findings



5.1          Summary

5.2          Conclusion

5.3          Recommendations





This study focused on The Impact of Adult Education as an Agent for Social Change in Nigeria. The population for the study comprised four hundred (400) adult learners. However, the sample size was two hundred (200) adult learners. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study.

Thereafter, data collected were analyzed using simple percentage. Hence, the findings revealed that adult education contributes positively to individuals and community development; that lack of awareness, misconception of its principles and lack of funding are the challenges facing Adult Education programme; and that adult education is seen as a remedy to existing social in the study area.

The study concluded that adult education will not achieve its goals and objectives which are primarily targeted to bring social change in the status of individuals and for societal advancement, until it is properly managed and executed.





1.1   Background to the study

The Education of adults is certainly as old as man himself. In ancient times, for instance, the study of astrology, law, medicine and priesthood was largely done by adult and these studies engaged the attention of the privileged leisure class but much later, as a result of the Industrial Revolution, the need arose to bring education closer to the reach of the mass of ordinary working class men and women (Kyrian, 2013).


However, today, the word emphasizes the concept of Education For All (EFA). In giving a suitable definition of adult education, Ugwoegbu (2003) as quoted by Udo (2012) asserted that adult education is any educational programme aimed at improving either the cognitive, psychomotor or affective domain of individuals who are recognized by the society as adults.

In the view to bring change to individual and society which is the aim of adult education, Eheazu (1998:15) sees it as “some specific functional training/vocational programme required by adults (who now constitute the illiterate, unskilled, semi-skilled or semi-professional labour force) to remedy not only their educational deficiencies but also to meet the needs of their various occupations whether as farmers, artisans or employees of corporate/private organizations”.


Similarly, Sebates (2008) concludes that participating in adult learning can help substantially to reduce poverty through enhancing employment prospects, improving health levels of poor people and giving enhancement to acquiring the tools needed to run their own lives.


The Impact of Adult Education as an Agent for Social Change in Nigeria

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Adult and non-formal education is the education people need as long as they are alive and regardless of the amount of their previous education, and it is an integral part of any modern country’s educational system. Adult education is needful for all categories of people starting from 18 years and above regardless of your previous education and position attained in the society(Nwafor & Agi, 2013).


Similarly, Seya (2014) posited that it is a lifelong process as long as man’s existence which is intended to help its recipients to be gainfully employed and earn higher income and higher status. In fact, it helps its beneficiaries to make use of the computer, internet and e-mail for more information and connections.


However, despite the central role of Adult and non-formal education in the development of the citizenry, there has been a misconceptions that attracts the attention of many researchers, Udo (2009) is of the view that Adult education lead to the growth and development of the society while Chu (2014) asserts that “adults and youths participation in vocational training and workshops facilitates renewal of knowledge and promote greater efficiency in the promotion of mass literacy.


The above situations however trigger the researcher to ask could Adult Education programme aid as an instrument for social change? In order to answer this question, there is need to investigate The Impact of Adult Education as an Agent for Social Change in Nigeria.


1.3  Purpose of the Study

Considering the myriads of social problems in the country, this research is therefore aim at revealing the role of adult education to individuals and the community development, others includes:


(1)    To identify the challenges facing the effectiveness of adult education in Nigeria.


(2)    To identify the contribution of adult education to individuals and community development


(3)    To identify the extent to which adult education provides solutions to existing social problems.


1.4   Significance of the Study

This study shall be significant in various ways including the following.

  1. This study will enlighten the government on the importance of adult education to the society.
  2. Also, this study shall yield high rate on investments and enhance labour productivity to adult learners. Thus, by equipping them with essential literacy and competent skills.
  3. Furthermore, the study shall assist adult educators in the formulation of educational policies which will assist in the development of adult education programme in the society.
  4. Also, the study shall serve as a data bank for future researchers on topics in related field.


1.5   Research Questions

In this study, the researcher wishes to use the following research questions to direct her study:

(1)    To what extent does adult education faces challenges in Nigeria?

(2)    To what extent does adult education contribute to individual and community development?

(3)    To what extent does adult education provide solutions to existing social problems?


1.6   Delimitation of the Study

Considering the vast population of Nigeria, this study did not cover the whole country but is limited the local government area of the study.


The Impact of Adult Education as an Agent for Social Change in Nigeria

1.7  Limitation of the Study

The study was confronted with setbacks including insufficient finance, inadequate time frame to process the report, administration of questionnaires, and gathering of information.


1.8  Operational Definition of Terms

Adult Education: In brief, it is a type of education provided for adults who could not go to school or drop-out, outside the formal school system with the target of making them a functional member in the society.

Social change: In brief, this is the alternation in the social order of a society.

Lifelong Education: This concept refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and general human development process which starts from birth and last until death.


Adults Literacy: In brief, this refers to ability for adults to encode and decode symbols, and calculate with numbers.

Joselyn Nya

My Name is Joselyn Nya A Publisher in Project Boss Team. I'm a Nigerian I'm a graduate/Educational Researcher. Project Boss Team. We are the best for Project materials and project writing services. Email:

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