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Title Page






Table of Contents



1.1    Background to the Study

1.2    Statement of the Problem

1.3    Purpose of the Study

1.4    Significance of the Study

1.5    Research Questions

1.6    Research Hypotheses


1.7    Assumptions of the Study

1.8    Delimitation of the Study

1.9    Limitation of the Study

1.10  Definition of Terms




3.1    Research Design

3.2    Area of the Study

3.3    Population of the Study

3.4    Sample and Sampling Technique


3.5    Instrument for Data Collection

3.6    Validation of the Instrument

3.7    Administration of the Instrument

3.8    Scoring of the Instrument

3.9    Method of Data Analysis



4.1    Data Analysis

4.2    Discussion of Findings



5.1    Summary

5.2    Recommendations

5.3    Conclusions

5.4    Suggestions for Further Study






1.1    Background to the Study

Continuous assessment is the educational programme in which learners are examined continuously over most of the duration of their studies, the results of which are taken into account in the determination of the final grade. It is often proposed or used as an alternative to a final examination system. Continuous assessment was introduced in schools following the adoption of 6 – 3 – 3 – 4 system of education.

The intention was to make assessment of the learner more reliable, valid, objectives and comprehensive. Since the emphasis is now on the totality of learning, it becomes necessary to evolve and use an assessment system that will consider all aspects of teaching (FRN, 2014).

Before continuous assessment was introduced in secondary schools, the old system of assessment was summative, that is examination was done only at the end of the term’s work. Infacts, in some cases, Agricultural science students were not examined on what they had been taught until the end of the year. Also, the summative system of assessment only made use of class assignment and project were hardly used in assessing a learner.



In the old system, only the cognitive domain of agricultural science students was assessed, that is only the intellectual ability was examined. The affective domain, interests, attitude, feeling and emotion of the learners were ignored in the assessment. Also, the psychomotor domain was not considered (Abbas, 2019).

Ipaye (2016) observed that an effective continuous assessment procedure reduces such incidence as do or die affair. Owing to the above fact, assessment is summative and learners attempted to do everything within their reach to ensure their promotion to the next class. This led to the increasing rate of examination malpractice in agricultural science.


The continuous assessment emphasizes more on comprehensive information on the cognitive, affective and psychomotor measure of an individual student if well implemented. This will also make learning more meaningful to the students and essential for independent living and meaningful contribution to high academic performance of the learners in the subject. The effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students.

However, some authorities point out two types of evaluation in assessing student’s performance while some identify three years. The three types are: diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation. Diagnostic is an evaluation or assessment method which is undertaken as a prelude to the planning of any programme at any national level. At the instructional level, it is done by the class.


Diagnostic assessment serves as useful function in enabling curriculum implementers in Agricultural science understand the entry behaviour of the students (Dada, 2021).

The purpose of formative assessment in Agricultural science class is to gather information to understand strengths and weaknesses of students in order to improve teaching and learning. It seeks to determine whether the aims and objectives are adequate for the group of learners concerned, formative assessment is very pronounce at the intermediate stages of curriculum development elimination or additions to be made.

On the other hand, summative assessment is cumulative in nations. It typically occurs immediately after training, which is an obvious window of time to assess students’ skills or record their attitudes.

Summative assessment in an Agricultural science class assesses achievement of students with aim in mind such as grade (Scharf and Briller, 2017). Based on the different merits of each type of assessment, the researcher interest was to find out the effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students.


1.2    Statement of the Problem

The major problem that attracts the attention of the researcher is the performance of students in Agricultural Science in Mkpat Enin Local government Area. One of these problems among others is the method adopted by Agricultural Science teachers to assess their students during teaching and learning processes. The effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students.

Actually, the education standard in Nigeria has fallen greatly compared to that of the past. The parents and the entire society have shifted blame on the teachers for low performance in NECO, WASSCE and other examinations, while the teachers themselves blame the parents for refusing to provide their wards with the required school materials that affecting teaching and learning of Agricultural Science can be determined through process of assessing the students.

Owing to the poor results of Nigerian candidates, almost every year, the researcher wants to find out the effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students.


1.3    Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to find out the effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students. Specifically, the objectives of the study are:

  1. To find out how diagnostic assessment could improve academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.
  2. To ascertain how formative assessment could improve academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.
  3. To examine how summative assessment could improve academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.


1.4    Significance of the Study

The study of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students in Agricultural Science in secondary schools is considered significant in the following ways:

  1. To different educational authorities on the need to train teachers with appropriate methods of evaluating their students during the teaching and learning processes.
  2. To teachers who will apply these assessment methods during presentation of lessons, to know and select the appropriate ones for each lesson to improve students performance.
  3. Also, the study will provide basis for the selection of assessment methods by nursery and primary school teachers to modify and reinforce pupil’s academic performance.
  4. Finally, the study will also provide database for researchers for future studies in the topic related to the study.


1.5    Research Questions

          The following research questions were raised to guide the study:

  1. To what extent does diagnostic assessment improve academic performance of students in Agricultural Science?
  2. How does formative assessment improve academic performance of students in Agricultural Science?
  3. To what extent does summative assessment improve academic performance of students in Agricultural Science?


1.6    Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated to assist the researcher in the study:

  1. There is no significant influence of diagnostic assessment on the academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.
  2. There is no significant influence of formative assessment on the academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.
  3. There is no significant influence of summative assessment on the academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.


Delimitation of the Study

The study was delimited to the use of assessment for improvement of academic performance of students in Agricultural Science in secondary schools in the study area. Also, diagnostic, formative and summative as assessment methods were considered in the study. Due to limitation of the study, four secondary schools in the study area were selected and used for the study.


Limitation of the Study

Several problems were encountered while taking this research work. Some of these problems include:

  1. The period given for the completion of this study was not enough for a wider and more in-depth study.
  2. Lack of funds to procure necessary materials for the study and high cost of transportation in getting to sampled schools constituted some hindrances. The effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students.
  3. The researcher also faced challenges like inability to reach out for enough print materials since it was carried out along side with other academic works.


Definition of Term

Academic Performance: This is the school evaluation of students class work as quantified on the basis of marks or grades.

Agricultural Science: Is the cultivation of crops, rearing of animals and marketing of products.

Assessment: This is the practical application of measurement for the purpose of collecting data and information and organizing them into an interpretable and forms.

Diagnostic Assessment: This is an assessment done by a teacher before the commencement of instruction in the class.


Formative Assessment: This is the on-going assessment used to identify what learners do not know, as well as what they do well enough.

Students: A student is anyone who is still undergoing any form of training in school especially at post-primary school level.

Summative Assessment: In brief, this kind of assessment is used to measure what students have learnt at the end of the unit or programme.



It is evident from all issues discussed in the study that teacher’s assessment method has great influence in the teaching and learning of Agricultural Science as well as the academic achievement of students. As such, formative assessment should be mostly used to assess students work in Agricultural Science. This is because assessment of students learning is an essential part of the teaching and learning processes.

Also, it has been contended that the quality of learning and the evaluation systems used in schools are conceptually related. The effect of using assessment for improvement of academic performance of students.

However, based on the research questions and hypotheses of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. There is a significant impact of diagnostic assessment method on academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.
  2. There is a significant impact of formative assessment method on academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.
  3. There is a significant impact of summative assessment method on academic performance of students in Agricultural Science.


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Ikemesit Akpan is my name. I am a Nigerian author. I work with I'm a researcher and a writer of academic research.

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