Research Proposals



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1.1    Background to the Study

1.2    Statement of the Problem

1.3    Purpose of the Study

1.4    Research Hypotheses


1.5    Significant of the Study

1.6    Limitation and Delimitation of the Study

1.7    Operational Definition of Terms





3.1    Research Design

3.2    Research Area

3.3    Population of the Study

3.4    Sample and Sampling Technique


3.5    Instrument for Data Collection

3.6    Validation of Instrument

3.7    Administration of the Instrument

3.8    Scoring of the Instrument

3.9    Method of Data Analysis



4.1    Data Analysis

4.2    Discussion of Findings



5.1    Summary

5.2    Recommendations

5.3    Conclusion






1.1   Background to the Study 

Teaching is an activity that has to do with an exhibition of certain characteristics of a person who is involved in it. The teacher occupies a central position upon which all other activities with the school revolve, therefore, there are certain qualities expected of him to posses for effective execution of his functions. Indeed, these can be related to the work of Ozigi (2020) who opined that an important sign of long ranger breath of a nation is the spirit and quality of its teacher and had support from the work of Derama (2020) that education is the key and can turn it for national development

The teacher is therefore the pivot in which every educational development hangs. These in other words also means that, the future of any nation rest in the hands of its teacher’s for qualities they posses today will inevitably be reflected in the citizens of tomorrow. However, if the characteristics or variables of the teacher are good, there is a tendency of his/her students excelling in learning.



Globally, it has been observed that there exist a declines or acute shortage of well-trained and qualified Chemistry teachers in our schools. These teachers lack the knowledge of the subjects, specialization, skills experience, technical know-how and methodology employed for effective and efficient chemistry teachers. This has a negative effect on the learner’s academic performance and even in the activities of the subject.

On a whole, a teacher is effective to the extent of causing learning to occur among his learner’s only when his characteristics are good. The teacher has to be properly educated before he/she can effectively impact knowledge into the learners for he/she cannot offer what he/she does not have. Thus, specification on the characteristics of a teacher in this context will cover two main aspects, which are the qualification of the teacher and his/her gender of such a teacher.


According to Adesma (2018) asserts that one mark of a professional qualified teacher is therefore, the knowledge and application of method of change, the willingness and ability to change human behaviour. However, on years of experience and gender of a teacher, Ekpo (2021) asserts that the longer teacher (male/female) stays in the teaching profession, the more competence they becomes; as there would be provision for in-service training for the acquisition of intellectual, technical competence, resourcefulness and class management. The teachers variables and academic performance of students in chemistry.

It then implies that the role of the teacher held paramount in a better academic achievement of students. The nagging issue in this direction is the poor academic performance of students in chemistry at internal/external examination. It is therefore necessary that the study should be carryout to investigate teachers variables and academic performance of students in chemistry in secondary schools.


1.2   Statement of the Problem

Teaching according to Ekanem (2016) are paid agents of cultural diffusion hired to carry light into dark places in the whole universe. Although, everyone is capable of learning something but certainly not everybody. Therefore, light is brought to dark places only when the teacher introduces new knowledge, ideas and concepts to his students/learners.

Hence, teaching strategies are learned and out automatically manifested by individuals. This means that before anybody is said to be a teacher, such a person must undergo a process of professional training so as to be able to acquire the needed skills for the job. The teachers variables and academic performance of students in chemistry.

On the aspect of gender, Rengochekpe (2020) believe that teaching is a complex process, which involves the learners whose behaviour are to be influence to affect a behaviour change in a context; that is why the person’s sex is sees as an important factor in the profession.


In fact, most time researcher do over look the issue of gender as not having anything to do with the execution of the duties of professionally qualified teachers. But ion this context specification had been laid on two major aspects which are the professional qualification of the teacher and the gender status of the characteristics processed by subject teachers in our schools and how those characteristics affects the performance of students in secondary school chemistry in Abak Local Government Area.


1.3   Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study is to examine teachers variables and academic performance of students in chemistry. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Investigate whether the qualification of a subject teacher could have an effect on student’s Academic performance in Chemistry.
  2. Investigate how sex or gender status of a teacher influences the effectiveness of such a chemistry teacher and how such an influence affects the student’s performance.


1.4   Research Hypotheses

The understated hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

  1. There is no significant difference in the performance of students taught by qualified Chemistry teachers and those taught by non-qualified Chemistry teachers.
  2. There is no significant difference between the gender of the teacher and academic performance of students in Chemistry.


1.5   Significant of the Study

The study would be important as it would be of benefit to the following:

  • Firstly, the teachers; as they will adjust and put on those characters that will positively affect the performance of students.
  • Secondly, parent; parents will guide their wards towards achieving from the numerous characteristics of their subject/class. Teachers and always aim at performing positively.


  • Government; the government should send in educational supervisors to school pointing to them areas such as qualification of teachers, their gender in the delivery of their duties and who those characteristics had been affecting the students academic performance. The teachers variables and academic performance of students in chemistry.
  • Serve as a reference material to other researchers in the future and as well as show case the researcher contribution to the development in education in the state as well as the nation at large.


Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms were found importantly to be defined for readers understanding because some of the words use in this study has technical meaning therefore; there is need for reader comprehensive of the material.

These are;

  1. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: This refers to the knowledge attended or skill developed in the school subject by the students. It is also the ability of students in examination or grade obtained by students in continuous assessment and examination.
  2. TEACHER’S VARIABLES: In brief, all the typical qualities and characteristics or features that make a teacher like academic qualification, race, gender, specialization, experience and motivation.



In conclusion, the findings of the study revealed a significant influence of teacher qualification academic performance of student in Chemistry. Teachers with higher qualifications produced students with better performances. The teachers variables and academic performance of students in chemistry.

Equally, male teachers of Chemistry were found to produce students with better academic performance than their female counterparts. This gender of the teacher significantly influences the performance of the students in Chemistry.


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Peter Hezekiah

I am Peter Hezekiah, a Nigerian. A graduate of Economics/Education. I'm the Editor in (A online company that deals with writing of final year project and provision of project materials of any topic to final year project students). My personal email is My personal number; +2347068634102

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