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1.1 Background to the Study

Education is the process of transforming society through imparting knowledge. Values, attitude, norms and skills by a learned individual. To a less knowledgeable individual called learner. It is one of the fundamental rights that an individual in the society must acquire. In order to transform him into a useful member of that society.

Moreover, according to Rocser (2016, as cited in Omebe, 2019) Education consists of two components; inputs and outputs. Inputs consist of human and material resources, while outputs are the goals and outcomes of the educational process.


Realia materials are one of the real objects among the educational inputs that play a vital role in the teaching and learning processes. Ricardo (2008, as cited in Hashimu, 2015) sees realia as tools used to supplement the written. Also, spoken word in the transmission of knowledge, attitude and idea and to emphasize or clarify the instruction. Such materials bring together man and materials in systematic co-operation to effectively solve educational problems.


Adeyeni (2016, as cited in Omebe, 2019) stated that realia materials include all materials a teacher could use during the lesson to aid learning and retention. He further stated that in order to cater to individual difference in the classroom, the teacher must employ various types of instructional materials that appeal to different senses.

Furthermore, according to Adesanya (2011, as cited in Hashimu, 2015) realia materials like text books, rock type, television, radio and other projected and non-projected tools can bring about meaningful learning in the classroom.

Moreover, in education, realia are objects from real life used in classroom instruction by educators to improve students’ understanding of the concepts and are considered as important tools in teaching and learning of science subject. Abayomi (2008, as cited in Hashimu, 2015) stated that, it provides and carries information.

Indeed, about realia effectiveness and efficiency in the teaching and learning process, Akinleye (2010, as cited in Akpan & Okoli, 2017). Says that effective teaching and learning requires a teacher to teach the students with instructional materials. And use practical activities to make learning more vivid, logical, realistic, and pragmatic.


Realia promotes and enhances the achievement of instructional objectives. Abdullahi (2012, as cited in Hashimu, 2015) referred to realia materials as all those resources used. To supplement the normal learning process of seeing, reading and writing. The psychology of using realia as visual instructional materials are is that. “what I hear I forget and what I see, I remember, but what I do, I understand”.


Brown (2011; as cited in Hashimu, 2015) stated that teachers like medical doctors and professional workers, need essential tools and equipments to do their best at work. It is true that, the fundamental figures in any learning situation are always the students and teachers. Thus, the organized combination and utilization of materials facilitate teachers’ presentation of content for the realization of the stated objectives. (Richert, 2008, as cited in Hashimu, 2015).


According to Meremikwu (2008, as cited in Adipo, 2015), the use of realia materials in teaching and learning at the primary school level help the learners to explore, experiment, create and interact with the environment intensively.

Copious uses of instructional materials help to provide learners with an enabling environment to learn Biology. Soames, (2010 as cited in TasnubhaBably and DilNusrat, 2017) suggests that, in the teaching and learning process. The word realia means “using real items found in everyday life as an aid to teaching. Using realia helps to make lessons memorable by creating a link between the objects and the word or phrase they represent. According to Wales (2006, as cited in Hashimu, 2015), the use of realia would go a long way in enhancing students’ performance.



1.2 Statement of the Problem

The menace of failure among the young school students has stared parents, government and stakeholders in the face. Therefore, there is a consensus of opinion about the fallen standard of education as a big problem. That is hindering the posterity of the Nigerian nation in terms of quality man-power resources.


However, most students in secondary schools experience academic problem that manifest itself in the form of poor academic performance. Biology is not left out. Many factors have been blamed for the continuous poor performance of students; the researcher was therefore interested in investing whether realia resources utilization influences the academic performance of students in Biology.


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of realia resources utilization on academic achievement of students in Biology in secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Determine the differences between the mean performance of students taught skeletal system with the utilization of realia resources and those taught skeletal system without the utilization of realia resources.
  2. Ascertain the differences in the mean performance of male and female students taught skeletal system with the utilization of realia resources.


1.4 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will benefit the teachers, students, parents, curriculum planners, administrators and government in the following ways:

To the students, the study will help them understand the need for learning Biology with learning resources (Realia). Consequently, it will reduce difficulty in learning and perhaps stimulate their desire towards the subject.

To the teachers, the study will help them understand the need for the teaching of biology with necessary instructional materials that will facilitate effective learning instead of making lessons abstract. It will also serve as reference materials to teachers.

To the parents, the study will help them understand the need to send their wards to schools with better educational resources.

The study will help curriculum planners in designing policies in curriculum that are in line with the use of teaching resources (realia) in schools.

Administrators and government will benefit from this study as source of enlightenment on the importance of realia in teaching.


1.5 Research Hypotheses

  1. There is no significant difference between the mean performance of students taught skeletal system using realia and those taught the same concept without realia.
  2. There is no significant difference between the mean performances of male students and female students when taught skeletal system with realia.


1.6          Limitation of the Study

In the course of conducting the study certain factors posed significant obstacles to the success of this project; prominent among these factors were:

  1. Financial constraint: The researcher relied solely on the paltry financial contribution of her parent which was hardly sufficient to cater for a research project of this magnitude.
  2. Limited Time: The time frame of one semester allocated by the college authority to complete and submit findings of this research was not sufficient to cover wider area on the topic.


1.7          Delimitation of the Study

There are many factors affecting the academic performance of students in Biology, but the study was delimited to realia utilization and academic achievement of students in Biology in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area. The study was equally delimited to selected secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area.


1.9          Definition of Terms

Realia: These are real objects from real life used to improve students understanding of the concepts taught in the classroom.

Utilization: This refers to the act of using the available object for class instruction.

Biology: is the natural science that studies life and living organisms. Including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution.

Joselyn Nya

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