
Influence Of Information And Communication Technology On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students


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  • Background to the Study

Information and Communication Technology are generally as a modern instrumental tool that enables the educators to modify the teaching methods they use in order to increase students interest. Today’s students are growing with ICT tools like television, video, computer and internet. It is not possible to get these students’ interest by traditional teaching methods used in the past. Its general definition covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. It consists of hardware, software, networks and media for collection, storage and processing, transmission of information (voice, data, texts and images).

ICT is integral to human society. Before the advent of technology in Nigeria, people communicate using various instruments and codes such as talking drums, flutes, gongs, town criers and village square meeting. The use of writing and invention of printing materials transformed the type and context of recorded history. The first use of computers in educational area started with the use of MARK and ENIAC in 1940s. The first computers were use as a problem solving machine (Abacus) for science and engineering (Carter, 2004).

ICT has become within the very short time one of the basic building blocks of modern society because the development of this technology bring new learning and teaching opportunities itself (Yakar, 2005).


According to Ukpe (2011), information and communication technology refers to various technological tools and resources used to create, process, store, retrieve and also communicate and manage the information around the world.  Specifically, those technologies include computer, internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television) and telephone. Communication on a universal scale becomes possible through the use of Books, Newspapers, Magazines and Radio.


However, educator across Nigeria recognized that students must have good education. To enables them to participate successfully and contribute positively to the realization of national objectives. Schools also are developing and implementing technology plans and investing in computers and new technologies in particular. Educators realize that computer networking offers flexible and powerful new ways. To accomplish a range of goods in schools.

Therefore, education has to be continuously preoccupied to create information handling skills and abilities among the students and teachers. So that they have improved method of teaching and learning. Through the provision of the necessary facilities (Halis, 2002).

The use if ICT in secondary schools has offered ample opportunities and advantage. To educate more people rapidly to improve efficiency and to improve their academic performance in Economics.

The academic performance of students in some secondary schools is low. Both the internal and external examination for the past few years. This study intended to examine the use of ICT and academic performance of secondary school students in Economics in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.


Influence Of Information And Communication Technology On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students

  • Statement of the Problem

ICT is not only restricted to its usage as instructional materials inform of teaching aid. But, it has become a tool to reshape knowledge delivery and enhance both teachers and students activities in the classroom.

However, studies have shown that majority of students in our secondary schools lack basic information and communication technology skills. This is as a result of no availability of these resources in secondary level of learning or inability of the schools to use these ICT facilities.

A number of factors have been put forward to understand why the use if ICT learning is difficult such as non availability, user incompetence, poor funding and poor maintenance (Cangelosi, 2005).

Poor reasoning skills are also another area of concern among secondary school students in the study area. Also, in the long run, this may affect the performance of students and consequently lead to poor performance in examination.


  • Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of information and communication technology on academic performance of secondary school students in Economics in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

Specifically, the objectives of this study were:

  1. To determine how the use of PowerPoint presentation in teaching affects students’ academic performance in Economics.
  2. To assess how the use of Computer Assisted Instruction affects students’ academic performance in Economics.
  3. To examine how the use of Internet Services in teaching affects students academic performance in Economics.


  • Significance of the Study

The study might be of help to parents to take the initiative in providing their wards with information technology devices like computer that will help them improved their academic performance in Economics.

To the secondary school students the finding will help them realize the importance of technology and motivate them to contribute their quota. To the development of science and technology in Nigeria through mastery of computer and their applications in different area of life. The finding will equally help teachers to realize the importance of using ICT in delivering teaching learning programs.

Also, to the curriculum developers’ expert, school administrators and the government. To promote learning and improved the academic performance of students in Economics.


  • Research Questions
  1. To what extent does the use of PowerPoint Presentation in teaching affects students’ academic performance in Economics?
  2. How does the use of Computer Assisted Instruction affects students’ academic performance in Economics?
  3. To what extent does the use of Internet Services in teaching affects students’ academic performance in Economics?


  • Research Hypotheses
  1. There is no significant difference between the academic performance of students taught Economics with use of PowerPoint and taught without the use of PowerPoint.
  2. There is no significant difference between the academic performance of students who are taught Economics with use of Computer Assisted Instruction and taught without the use of Computer Assisted Instruction.
  3. There is no significant difference between the academic performance of students taught Economics with use of Internet Services and taught without the use of Internet Services.


  • Limitation of the Study

The major limitations encountered by the researcher include time, lack of finance, inadequate power supply, insufficient research materials and academic workload of the researcher.


  • Definition of Terms

Information: This is a process data or fact about somebody or something.

Communication: This is the means by which information, message are conveyed or passed from one source to another.

Technology: In brief, this has to do with using of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

Information and Communication Technology: This refers to various technological tools and resources used to create. Process, store, retrieve and also communicate and managed the information around the world. (Ukpe, 2011).

Academic Performance: In brief, this refers to the child’s examination scores result in schools.

Students: This refers to an individual, learner, or someone who attends an educational institution for learning processes.

Economics: This is a science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.

Joselyn Nya

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