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Title Page





Table of Contents


1.1  Background of the Study

1.2  Statement of the Problem

1.3  Purpose of the study

1.5  Significance of the study


1.6  Research Questions

1.7  Research Hypotheses

1.8  Limitation of the Study

1.9  Delimitation of the study

1.10 Operational Definition of Terms




3.1  Research Design

3.2  Area of the Study

3.3  Population of the study

3.4  Sample and Sampling Procedure


3.5  Instrumentation

3.6  Validation of Instrument

3.7  Administration of Questionnaire

3.8  Scoring of Instrument

3.9  Method of Data Analysis




4.1  Summary of Findings


4.2  Discussion of Findings




5.1  Introduction

5.2  Summary

5.3. Conclusion

5.4  Recommendation






1.1  Background to the Study

The human society is generally divided into social classes of which the Nigerian society is on exception. Moreover, there are three large social classes that can be found in any given society. They are identified as the upper class, the middle class and the lower class.

Mcclever (2023) define social class as a distinct status group occupying a definite place in a hierarchy of status group. Specifically, home influence is centered on social classes. However, in the Nigerian society, the social class depends on education, wealth, occupation, and at times circumstances of birth.

As a result, a persons social class in synonyms with his socio-economic status. There are many factors in a school setting that determines the educational achievement of students. These variables at times act in combination with others to produce of which learning takes place in Nigeria today is not very conducive.

The condition of the home and schools environment could either help to improve or impede a child’s academic performance. Coleman (2020) reports that family background is correlated with achievement in school and that the correlation close not changes over the years.



A student’s performance can improve by home encouragement and co-operation with the school and their richness of the home if the parents are well educated. In order to give as child a firm footing academically, the family background has to be efficient and adequate.

Without reservation, a child’s background affects his perception, his personality development and the school will be fighting in a loosing battle, these factors are not given adequate consideration. Thus, in trying to assess of causes of disparity in student academic performance in secondary schools, are realizes that environment which include the family, is one of the factors that affect students performance in secondary schools.


There is considerable evidence in the literature to indicate that there exists a marked relationship between socio-economic status of the family and the child academic development. Socio-economic background is associated with a very complete number of family variables such as family size, occupation of parents and the educational background of the parents. Educated parents always fry to create favourable relationship between the home and the school in order to discourage background.

Therefore, children learn by imitation and if educated parents set high value on education, their children will follow same. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine home influence on students academic performance in integrated science in secondary schools



1.2  Statement of the Problem

Indeed, truancy and delinquency rates among secondary schools students are now in the increase. Laissez fair attitude of students toward studies and students sleeping in the classroom during lesson have become the order of the day in many secondary schools. Thus, majority of secondary school students cannot afford the necessary school requirement. Many of them tool stay away from school because their parents cannot pay their fees promptly.

However, cluster of variables usually associated with family background have influence on the academic performance of the students. Thus, these include the family social group the students’ social group, the time and places for his recreation, chores required of him by his family, the wearing of certain clothes at certain time, the economic control to which is subjected by his parents. All these very according to the social class of the students in question.


Studies have shown that there is certain correlation between performance and economic status (Eke 2019 and King, 2021). As a result of home influence on performance of students, the problem here is to fine out if there is relationship between socio-economic status of parents and performance of students in integrated science.

Another problem is to find out whether students from poor homes tend to perform lower those from rich homes and parents with high socio-economic status create and enriched environment that would enable their words to perform well in schools.

Generally, the problem is that of finding out whether there is a relationship between socio-economic status of parents and students performance in schools. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine home influence on students academic performance in integrated science in secondary schools


1.3  Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study is to examine home influence on students academic performance in integrated science in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area. The study will investigate the following:

To find out the influence of home with adequate  provision of learning facilities on student academic performance in integrated science.

To find out that influence of family size  on students academic performance in integrated science.


1.5  Significance of the study

This study will be found to be significant to many concerned bodies including the Government and the General public. The study shall be helpful in the following direction

Firstly, teachers will understand why student perform the way they do academically and this understanding will enable them to adopt suitable teaching strategies and method to enhance effective learning by all categories of learners.

Secondly, Government and educational administrators will see the need to provide adequate instructional facilities in schools to cater for the needs of students from deprived.


Students, parents and teachers will know whether family background affects students positively or negatively, with this awareness, they would decide to adopt a favourable method of bringing up their children in order that they may become useful citizens in the society.

Furthermore, the study shall determine whether such family background like parents socio- economic status and availability of learning facilities academic performance. Home influence on students academic performance in integrated science in secondary schools.

In addition, it will create awareness among teachers about the effect of home background on students academic performance.

Lastly, based on the finding, it is hope that those charged with the responsibility of formulating and directing educational polices will be guided or informed.


1.6  Research Questions

The study will attempt to give answer to the following questions:

1. How does the provision of learning facilities  at home by the parents’ influence academic performance of students in integrated science?

2. How does the family size influence academic performance of students in integrated science?


 1.7  Research Hypotheses

1. There is no significant relationship between provision of learning facilities at home and academic performance students.

2. There is no significant relationship between family size and academic performance of students.


1.8  Limitation of the Study

The study is limited by a number of factors

Lack of standardized test and instrument in the study area which forced the researcher to prepare her own instrument.

Financial constraints also imposed limitation on the study.

Most students did not feel comfortable to talk about their family background.


1.9  Delimitation of the study

This study is restricted only to secondary schools students in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The research was conducted among the students of junior secondary two (JSS 2) from four secondary school dive to time constraints.


Operational Definition of Terms

Home influence: This refers to variable such as educational status, socio-economic status, occupational status of parents that may influence students’ performance in schools.

Socio-economic status: In brief, this refers to a person’s position in any given group, society and culture as determined by wealth, occupation, education and social class.


Educational status: this refers to the level of one attainment or position in an organized and sustained instruction, designed to communicate a combination of knowledge, skill and understanding. Home influence on students academic performance in integrated science in secondary schools.

Occupation status: This refers to occupation or business or trade which occupies once time permanently.

Academic Achievement: In brief, this refers to the students’ achievement scores in the class and his position relation to all those who undergo the same test. It is to be understood in terms of performance on standardized achievement test in schools.

Family Size: A fundamental social group in society typically consists of one or two parents and their children. A group of person related by decent or marriage.



The family for sustenance at the early years of life. His or her education and up bringing depend on the family/ parents from, perhaps the greatest source of influence in the family on the students. They are responsible for the upbringing and socialization of the students.

Parents are of different socio-economic levels their levels of education types of housing, income occupation, family size and general standard of living differ and all these tend to have influence on their ability to provide for their students in terms of supervision, learning materials. These in the final analysis also affect the academic performance of the students when they get to secondary schools.

As found in the study, students to wealthy parents tend to perform better on the average than student from poor homes. The implication is that parent should try as much as possible to improve their standard of living in order to be able to provide for their students so that they would be able to perform well. It is in so doing that their academic performance would improve.


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Ikemesit Akpan is my name. I am a Nigerian author. I work with I'm a researcher and a writer of academic research.

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