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Title Page





Table of Contents



1.1  Background of the Study

1.2  Statement of the Problem

1.3  Purpose of the study

1.5  Significance of the study


1.6  Research Questions

1.7  Research Hypotheses

1.8  Limitation of the Study

1.9  Delimitation of the study

1.10 Operational Definition of Terms








3.1  Research Design

3.2  Area of the Study

3.3  Population of the study

3.4  Sample and Sampling Procedure


3.5  Instrumentation

3.6  Validation of Instrument

3.7  Administration of Questionnaire

3.8  Scoring of Instrument

3.9  Method of Data Analysis




4.1  Summary of Findings


4.2  Discussion of Findings




5.1  Introduction

5.2  Summary

5.3. Conclusion

5.4  Recommendation






1.1          Background to the Study

Sweet potato, a dicotyledonous species belonging to the Convolvulaceae family, is cultivated for its edible tuberous roots but also for its leaves consumed as a green vegetable. It is adapted to a wide range of agro-climatic conditions and its cultivation is very low-input. Indeed, sweet potato is easy to grow and has a short production cycle (Jean and Martial, 2023).

According to Hui and Baoqing (2023), sweet potato yields can vary significantly due to factors such as the soil, weather, crop variety, and cultivation management. Under certain soil, weather, and sweet potato variety conditions, many efforts have been made to find cultivation modes that are more effective at enhancing productivity.

However, the effect of cutting position on the growth of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a significant factor in sweet potato cultivation.

Sweet potatoes are commonly propagated vegetatively through vine cuttings, and the position from which the cuttings are taken can impact the growth and yield of the crop.



The cutting position refers to the part of the vine from which the cutting is taken, such as apical (tip), middle, or basal (root end) portions. This process influences the physiological and morphological characteristics of the resulting plants, including root development, vine growth, and overall yield (Hillman and Wallerstein, 2023).

According to Hill and Wang-Pruski (2016) when sweet potato vines are cut for propagation, the apical portion contains the youngest tissues and is associated with rapid growth and development. Cuttings taken from this position tend to produce more vigorous vines and larger roots compared to those taken from the middle or basal portions. Apical cuttings have been found to promote earlier sprouting and establishment, leading to improved overall plant growth and yield

On the other hand, basal cuttings may exhibit slower initial growth but can result in a higher number of secondary roots, which could potentially enhance nutrient uptake and overall root system development. Middle cuttings often display intermediate characteristics between apical and basal cuttings in terms of growth and yield (Gregory & George, 2011).


Several studies have investigated the impact of cutting position on sweet potato growth. These studies have provided valuable insights into the physiological mechanisms underlying the effects of cutting position on root development, vine growth, and yield. Understanding these factors is essential for optimizing sweet potato production and improving crop management practices.

The apical portion of the vine, which includes the terminal shoot tip, is known to contain a higher concentration of growth-promoting hormones such as auxins. As a result, apical cuttings may exhibit more vigorous growth and branching compared to middle or basal cuttings. On the other hand, middle and basal cuttings may have different root development patterns and nutrient allocation strategies, leading to distinct growth outcomes (Bradshaw & Ramsay (2017).


Furthermore, the choice of cutting position can also impact the overall health and vigor of sweet potato plants. Factors such as root formation, nutrient uptake, and resistance to environmental stressors may be influenced by the initial cutting position. Understanding these dynamics is essential for developing targeted propagation techniques that maximize plant performance and yield.

In addition to growth parameters, researchers are interested in assessing the quality attributes of sweet potatoes derived from different cutting positions. This includes evaluating factors such as tuber size, shape, color, texture, and nutritional composition. By examining these characteristics, scientists can gain insights into how cutting position influences not only plant growth but also the final product quality (Jean and Martial, 2023).

Hence, understanding the intricate relationship between cutting position and sweet potato growth has practical implications for agricultural practices. Farmers and growers can use this knowledge to optimize their propagation techniques, improve crop productivity, and enhance overall farm sustainability.

Furthermore, insights gained from this research can contribute to the development of breeding programs aimed at producing sweet potato varieties with desirable growth characteristics tailored to specific agroecological contexts. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of cutting position and growth of sweet potato.


1.2          Statement of the Problem

The effect of cutting position on the growth of sweet potatoes is a significant concern in agricultural research. When sweet potato vines are cut for propagation, the position at which the cutting is made can impact the subsequent growth and development of the new plant. This issue is important for farmers and researchers seeking to optimize sweet potato production and ensure high yields.

Understanding how cutting position affects sweet potato growth can lead to improved cultivation techniques and higher crop productivity. Factors such as the presence of nodes, apical dominance, and hormonal regulation play crucial roles in determining the growth response of sweet potatoes to cutting positions. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of cutting position and growth of sweet potato.


1.3          Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cutting position and growth of sweet potato. Specifically, the sub objectives of the study are to:

  1. examine how the cutting positing affects the tuber quality of sweet potato
  2. examine how the cutting positing affects the physiological responses of sweet potato
  3. examine how the cutting positing affects the environmental adaptation of sweet potato
  4. examine how the cutting positing affects the plant development of sweet potato
  5. examine how the cutting positing affects the yield of sweet potato


 1.4          Significance of the Study

  • The study’s findings can be integrated into educational curricula, providing students with practical examples of how agricultural research directly impacts food production and sustainability.
  • Understanding how cutting position influences sweet potato growth has practical implications for agricultural productivity and resource management.
  • By identifying the most effective cutting position for propagation, farmers can enhance crop yields while minimizing input costs.


  • The study’s findings can contribute to efficient resource management by providing insights into the most effective cutting positions for sweet potato propagation. This knowledge can lead to reduced resource wastage and improved sustainability in agricultural practices.
  • Furthermore, this research contributes to broader knowledge about plant physiology and propagation techniques.
  • The study’s results can have economic implications by potentially increasing the overall yield and quality of sweet potatoes.
  • The study will contribute to scientific knowledge about plant physiology and propagation techniques.
  • Given the widespread cultivation of sweet potatoes across various climates and regions, the findings from this study have global relevance, potentially benefiting agricultural communities worldwide.



The finding of this study has shown that the cutting position on sweet potato vines can influence the sprouting and rooting ability of the cuttings. For instance, studies have demonstrated that apical cuttings (cuttings taken from the tip of the vine) tend to exhibit better sprouting and rooting potential compared to basal cuttings (cuttings taken from the base of the vine). Additionally, the physiological characteristics of the cuttings, such as their carbohydrate content and hormonal balance, can be affected by the cutting position, further influencing their ability to establish roots and develop into healthy plants.


Furthermore, the effect of cutting position on sweet potato growth extends beyond initial establishment. Furthermore, the finding has indicated that cuttings taken from different positions on the vine may result in variations in plant vigor, yield potential, and resistance to environmental stressors. These findings underscore the importance of considering cutting position as a factor in sweet potato propagation and cultivation practices.


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Joselyn Nya

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