Research Proposals



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1.1          Background to the Study

1.2          Statement of the Problem

1.3          Purpose of the Study

1.4          Research Questions


1.5          Hypotheses

1.6          Significance of the Study

1.7          Scope/Delimitation of the Study

1.8          Definition of Operational Terms






3.1          Design of the Study

3.2          Population of the Study

3.3          Sample and Sampling Techniques

3.4          Research Instrument

3.5          Validity of the Instrument


3.6          Reliability of the Instrument

3.7          Administration of the Instrument

3.8          Data Analysis Technique



4.1          Analyses of Data Results

4.2          Summary of Major Findings

4.3          Discussion of the Findings



5.1          Summary

5.2          Conclusion

5.3          Recommendations

5.4          Suggestions for Further Studies






1.1   Background to the Study


In recent years, computer technology has permeated into the society in such a way that almost everything being done involves the use of computer. So science teachers need to key in into the current trend. To achieve this, chemistry teachers need to change their lesson delivery through the use of conventional methods to innovative methods that suit the needs of the present time.

Without reservation, the use of computer animation has gained prominence as a tool for enhancing student engagement and comprehension in complex subjects such as chemistry within the senior secondary school curriculum.

Furthermore, according to Okoli, Anazodo and Okoye, (2022) the need to adopt technology based packages to improve the teaching and learning of Chemistry for effective performance of students is urgently required. Chemistry education at the senior secondary level often involves abstract concepts and molecular structures that can be challenging for students to visualize and comprehend.



Undeniably, traditional teaching methods may sometimes fall short in effectively conveying these intricate concepts, leading to difficulties in understanding and retaining essential knowledge. According to Bates (2017) teachers’ passion varies in their ability to incorporate computer animation in their lesson presentations. Even though, the most effective teacher uses a variety of pedagogies and strategies to assist their students in the learning situation (O’Day, 2008).


However, Obielodan (2015) viewed this assertion and reiterated that individual teachers are always willing to use innovative technologies in their lesson presentations to enhance learning. Only that some technologies require technical expertise for their usage in instruction as it does in designing and developing animated media. Animation has its internal arrangement of visual, audio and motion related qualities that makes its integration to teaching and learning paramount (Baglama, Yucesoy & Yikmis, 2018).


However, computer animation offers a dynamic approach to present chemical structures, reactions, and processes in a visually appealing and interactive manner. Thus, by leveraging three-dimensional (3D) models and simulations, computer animation has the potential to facilitate a more immersive learning experience, enabling students to visualize molecular structures and chemical reactions in a way that textbooks or conventional teaching methods might struggle to achieve.

Numerous studies have explored the impact of computer animation on student learning outcomes in various academic disciplines. Thus, showcasing its potential to enhance understanding, engagement, and retention of information.


Specifically, within the realm of chemistry education, recent research has suggested that integrating computer animation into the curriculum can lead to improved conceptual understanding, increased interest in the subject, and enhanced academic performance among students at the senior secondary level.

For instance, a study conducted by Smith et al. (2021) demonstrated that students exposed to computer-animated representations of chemical reactions exhibited a higher level of comprehension and retention compared to those taught through traditional methods.


Similarly, a meta-analysis by Johnson and Brown (2022) highlighted the positive impact of computer animation on student achievement in chemistry, emphasizing its effectiveness in facilitating conceptual understanding and fostering interest in the subject.

Despite these encouraging findings, there remains a need for further empirical investigation into the specific effects of computer animation on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students in chemistry. Understanding the nuances of how computer animation influences learning outcomes in chemistry education is crucial for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers aiming to enhance the quality of education and student performance in the discipline.


According to Smith and Jansen (2021), computer animations in education have demonstrated the ability to increase student engagement and interest, providing a more interactive and dynamic learning environment. Moreover, a study by Johnson et al. (2020) highlighted that visual aids, such as animations, positively influence students’ comprehension and retention of scientific concepts, including those in chemistry.


However, while the potential benefits of computer animation in education are recognized, its specific impact on senior secondary school students’ achievement in chemistry warrants further investigation. Understanding how these technological tools affect learning outcomes in a specific subject like chemistry among older high school students is crucial for optimizing teaching methodologies.

Previous research by Garcia and Chang (2019) found that incorporating computer animations into chemistry lessons improved students’ understanding of abstract concepts and increased their motivation to learn. Nonetheless, there remains a gap in understanding the direct correlation between the use of computer animation and academic achievement among senior secondary school students in the field of chemistry.


Thus, this study aims to fill this gap by examining the influence of computer animation on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students in chemistry. Through empirical research and data analysis, this study seeks to provide insights into the effectiveness of computer animation as a pedagogical tool in enhancing students’ comprehension and performance in chemistry.

From, the foregoing, there is no gainsaying that, computer animations have emerged as a powerful tool in educational settings, offering interactive and visual aids to enhance learning experiences. The incorporation of animations in subjects like chemistry has shown promise in engaging students and improving their understanding of complex concepts. Therefore, this present study on effect of computer animation on senior secondary school student achievement in chemistry in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State becomes imperative.


1.2   Statement of the Problem

Without reservation, the use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning more enjoyable through Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) tools. Computer graphics and animation instructional modes are some of such innovative teaching methods that have been found effective in teaching some school subjects like Chemistry and other sciences subjects.

However, the persistent poor achievement of students in Chemistry in both internal and external (SSCE) examination have been a source of worry to researchers, science educators, parents and even the students themselves.


One may suspect that the unsatisfactory academic achievement and low interest in Chemistry may be attributable to the expository teaching method often employed by the teachers despite its succinct advantage for teaching large classes. Moreover, expository method of teaching limits the room for learners’ active participation in the instructional process, seldom takes into account individual differences makes pupils uninterested in class discouraged and bored.

The researcher is worried that if the expository method of teaching Chemistry remains as it is presently, students in Uyo, Bayelsa State secondary schools may continually lag behind in Chemistry. Thus, researchers have continued to seek better ways of teaching using computer animation.


In fact, computer animation could make learning more interesting, realistic and appealing. It could be used by teachers to aid discussion and clarification of issues to make learning more understandable to students.

However, literature available to the researcher indicated that majority of researches focused on effect of computer animation on secondary school students’ interest and academic achievement in different subjects. None of the studies on computer animation was conducted in relation to Chemistry in Bayelsa State. It has thus become necessary for the present study to investigate the effect of computer animation on senior secondary school student achievement in chemistry in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.


1.3    Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of computer animation on senior secondary school student achievement in chemistry in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. Specifically, the study sought to find out:

  1. the mean achievement scores of students taught Chemistry using computer animation and that of those taught using expository
  2. the mean interest scores of students taught Chemistry using computer animation and that of those taught using expository
  3. determine the effect of computer animation on the male and female students’ achievement in Chemistry.


1.4   Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

  1. What are the mean achievement scores of students taught Chemistry using computer animation and those taught using expository method?
  2. What are the mean interest scores of students taught Chemistry using computer animation and those taught using expository method?
  3. What are the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught Chemistry concepts using computer animation?


1.5   Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance:

  1. There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught Chemistry using computer animation and that of those taught using expository
  2. There is no significant difference in the mean interest scores of students taught Chemistry using computer animation and that of those taught using expository
  3. There is no significant difference between the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught Chemistry concepts using computer



Based on the findings, it is concluded that the use of computer animation is an effective method of teaching Chemistry. Thus, it has enhanced students’ interest and academic achievement in Chemistry.  The effect of computer animation on senior secondary school student achievement in chemistry. The students taught Chemistry using computer animation have significantly greater academic achievement and also exhibited higher level of interest in Chemistry than those taught using expository method.


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Joselyn Nya

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